Dark Souls IIII

This is why you haven't heard any news about Elden Ring.

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To be honest, I'd rather have this than fat man's game.

bros... is it finally happening?


>clocks traditionally used IIII instead of IV for 4
>every Dark Souls game involves time travel to some degree
>time being convoluted and the constant march of time prepetuating the cycle of fire and dark is the theme of the entire series
>the fall of Oolacile, the only land to ever really develop time based magic using light was one of the first major events leading to everything else

Calling it now, we play as a Pygmy lord time cop who can use the power of the Dark Soul to travel through time and cause the events that eventually lead to the fading of the first flame and the failure of anyone after that to permanently link it.

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Why would the dark souls 4 start screen...

A. Not be simply black with the title, like every single other one has been
B. Be written with IIII instead of IV
C. Contain an image of the Ringed City, a place which exists now only as an illusion maintained by princess Filianore (now dead, surely)
D. Already be designed before we see anything about the rest of the game - even though it's the first thing we see when we load up the game, it is the last thing they'll design

Why would DS3 contain Anor Londo, a place which exists now only as an illusion maintained by Gwyndolin (now dead, surely)

>Contain an image of the Ringed City, a place which exists now only as an illusion maintained by princess Filianore (now dead, surely)
The game will start when the Ringed City was in it's prime, during the age of the Gods since we'll play as a Pygmy. Screen cap this.

I really don't want another Dark Souls.

Give us Bloodborne 2 or something new.

It would be IV not IIII

I definitely wouldnt



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>American education

Anor Londo still existed as ruins, which continue to exist after Gwyndolin's illusion of livelihood have disappeared.
And yes, Gwyndolin is surely dead now (canonically consumed by Aldrich while left alive by DS1's ashen one), but he is still alive recently enough for us to see Aldrich consuming him in DS3, and for Yorshka to discuss him as if he has not been gone for long.

I somewhat doubt it - it sounds like a good idea, but the notion of a dark souls game taking place while "the main events" are occurring and not far in to a distant future where our character does nothing but traverse ruins and fight the remnants of an age they have missed by a long time (the fire fading from Gwyn's sacrifice in DS1, or the fading of the fire after eons of other lords of cinder linking the first flame in DS3) would make it strange for any dark souls game to be set in the prime of anything at all.
Although, I would love a Dark Souls which borrows from Sekiro, in as much as the events of the world are unfolding around you and familiar setting change drastically due to events around you developing. I hope you're right.

>or something new
Like Elden Ring, which is actually happening?

I would love a Bloodborne 2, although I think Bloodborne already stands so well on it's own a sequel would cheapen the experience of the first.

>although I think Bloodborne already stands so well on it's own a sequel would cheapen the experience of the first
Bloodborne's so bare bones and full of missed opportunities I can only see someone who played it maybe once or twice, and moved without thinking too much about it saying this.

I'd rather have a reboot, and have them do it right this time, but a sequel would be better than nothing.

Dark Souls 4 will never happen

There is no way it will ever happen

Sekiro 4 is more likely than Dark Souls 4 at this point

black ops IIII changed the history book kid

They should unironically just release Dark Souls (2021) as a full remake of the first one without all the botched parts. That would be just fine

Ok, a reboot of Bloodborne could be incredible. I wouldn't say it's barebones but there are missed opportunities and issues of course. I still stand by my point that a sequel would cheapen the experience of the original story, while not cheapening the experience of the gameplay and would most likely build upon it and make something incredible.
But as someone who's played through Bloodborne far more often than "once or twice" and has seen problems but doesn't consider them game ruining, I'm curious what aspects you'd say make a reboot so necessary.

Miyazaki clearly stated that the company may produce 2000 more dark souls titles but he quit development of the IP so it could definetely happen

>releasing a blank disc

They should remake Demon's Souls instead.

shut the fuck up autist

You can say there are missed opportunities from a gameplay perspective but the story and lore were perfect not despite being "bare bones" but because of it. The lack of clarity for so many things is ideal for the atmosphere and style of horror the game was going for. A sequel that built on the stuff from the first game would cheapen it like that other user said, but maybe something set in a different part of the world with few ties to the first could work, but at that point why not just make a new game?

Do you think Dark Souls 4 is going to happen then?

bloodborne 2 over this any day. there has been enough dark souls games already.

obviously?? literally look at OP's pic

Just give us some Sekiro DLC and then the rest f this we can sort out later
We NEED that Sekiro DLC Fromsoft

No, fromsoft can’t into sequels

i love this reply

You also believe in Aliens?

Do you see an alien in OP's pic?


already leaked

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what does the number 11 have to do with his post

>ps5 exclusive
no fuck off



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King's Field V would be better

Did you have to count how many 'I's you typed out one at a time as you went along?





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...Do Americans really?

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it literally says 2011-2017 in the image stfu OP