What a fucking chad

What a fucking chad

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dude's looking like that one faggot from disney frozen now

What a bunch of jokers

where did the soul go?

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Why does the demake look like shit?

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Holy shit, its like all the expression and life was sucked out. These generic anime designs from 2 are awful.

That's the original

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Is it possible to retain, or even enhance, the soul with a remaster?

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Shut up you faggot

Top does look better than bottom. But... where is its soul?

>his eyes turn blue
right into the garbage it goes

where is the grass
also why they change the artsyle so much

Dunno, good thing you can just play the Wii or 3DS version if you want shit.

HD Dunban fucking CHAD.
You're sorely mistaken

Xenoblade 1 is famous for not having a set character designer until the last second, to the point that all the main cast had all of their costumes designed before they even had faces.

Im totally straight but i got butterflies looking at his chiseled jaw and devlish brow in the above pic.

Reminder that if you throw Reyn away as soon as you get Dunban just because he's a better tank you are a horrible friend.

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cringe soulless anime expressions

Bottom unironically looks better here

Soulfags can die though. Majority of these the new graphics look 100x better and turned the potato looking characters into real human beans.

No, I swapped him for Riki and Dunban.

Real men run a team of shulk/reyn/dunban.

most based team is shulk/fiora, reyn and riki

My team was Shulk, Dunban naked with no armor, and Riki.

I agree for the waterfall but not the other pic

Melia was fucking ugly and looked like a hideous monkey animal. If you think she looked better before you must be into bestiality because she's so fucking ugly with her huge mouth and monkey lips.

>2 was never good
>only got jerked off on Yas Forums because it literally had waifu gotcha mobile game shit
>1 adapts 2s style
>everyone realizes its shit because there arent giant titties dangling in the screenshots so people finally actually look at the rest of the screen

what a fucking shock