This game turned 22 years old like a week ago
Discuss the lore and the characters
This game turned 22 years old like a week ago
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Waffle Ryebread is the main protagonist of this game
He is a cop dog working for the Prairie Police force
In the Jap version he is clueless and unabashed about everything that goes on
In the Eng version he is more honest and straightforward
I prefer the english version because he gets shit done instead of being a fucking dumbass
Never heard of it. Which genre?
Alicia Pris is one of the primary antagonists for the game, she is a feline tomboy with fat tits and a hatred for the dog people that populate Prairie
She causes a mild genocide because her father was also a cat that happened to get sick with a fatal disease that is exclusive to cats and was unable to get proper treatment because the doctors on the island she resided on happened to be dogs and a cure couldnt be found in time
3D Platformer
I bought this when it came out because I loved Atlus games, but I couldn't finish it since the furriness was too much for me even at ten years old. I stopped buying based on publisher after that
It plays like a clunkier MegaMan legends
am I still banned?
Weird to think of this game as 22 years old. i only heard of it like 1 year ago so for me it's new.
3D platformer with soul and a smile.
i think tail concerto was in the back of one of my game manuals...persona?
>I bought this when it came out because I loved Atlus games, but I couldn't finish it since the furriness was too much for me even at ten years old. I stopped buying based on publisher after that
Its a cute animal platformer and the furryness wasnt even a central point gameplay wise
How can you say this when it was the fucking 90s when animal platformers were common
Also Atlus didnt develop this, only published it
no why, Im discussing lore
>He is a cop dog working for the Prairie Police force
aka he enforces the racial apartheid laws of the state. The game is cat/dog version of South Africa.
It's not a furry game. it's made by Jpaanese and it has that 80's anime genuine whole-hearted feel. It's made by people who genuinely had no idea what "furries" were. There's a kind of innocese to it.
t. closet furry
It looks kind of clunky to play but the art style in this game looks ahead of its time.
Also our boy Waffle is voiced by Lani Manella
You may recognize her as the voice actress of Ivy from the Soul Calibur series, Pit and Lucas from Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Freddy Freaker, and Bubsy from Bubsy 3D
>still not on PSN
Thank god for modding and emulation
I traded this game in at fucking Gamestop for like $10 and now it's one of the most valuable PSX games
literally not true
Alica and her sisters were deceived by Fool into thinking discrimination was going on
This is further evidenced by the Prairie police force keeping the Kittens of the Black Cats Gang well fed and cared for while imprisoned
Not to mention Alicia and her sisters are forgiven after the events of the game despite Alicia killing thousands of innocents and destroying their homes
My favorite 3D scotformer.
This game gives me some hyper police soulful vibe. I wish there was any series similar to hyper police. Does this game play like sola to boru because that games was alright but too easy.
I own 3 copies lol
2 copies of Sola too
>racial apartheid is good as long as you feed the prisoners well for their crime of existing in your state
it literally didnt exist
Cat people were almost non existent in Prairie but every Caninu was indifferent to the existence of Felinekos and welcomed everyone warmly despite the difference in species
Pic related is from the official artbook
I remember this game from a demo disc
Never learned the name of the game until like 8-9 years ago and went through it one night
I enjoyed it
Had fun shooting bubbles and slapping shit
I never understood the hate furry theme games get here. Is it because of reddit memes and it's cool to ironically hate anthropomorphic characters and themes? I would rather play those kind of games than the soulless faggot shit were stuck with now.
>they welcomed them with such open arms they sent a police officer in a mech to arrest them
they were causing damage to public property
didn't cyberconnect2 went full furry at one point and started publishing a furry mag as well ?