Saw a post that showed the most popular console in each state...

Saw a post that showed the most popular console in each state, so I thought I'd share a map that shows each states favorite video game character
(NOTE: I just found this off of Google Images so I'm not sure how accurate this is)

Attached: video game character by state.png (755x624, 673.43K)

Based Freddy.
God save the South.

Do you really think people in arizona even know who that is?

> Nu-Lara
No, bad Great Lakes and East Coast

>Alucard in several states

Attached: 1587412724455.jpg (240x300, 12.45K)

the only thing to do in arizona is shoot guns and watch anime so probably

>tfw commieforniafag

They probably meant this one, but the retard making this pulled up the first image they found on google without checking where it was actually from

Attached: the stride.gif (600x450, 69.94K)

Is there even a Hellsing videogame?

>hellsing alucard
>not castlevania alucard

who the fuck made this

>hellsing alucard that doesnt have a game
Im guessing its supposed to be Castlevania

i literally only know master chief and tracer

>im-fucking-plying people specified that and whoever made the chart didn't just grab the first image from google

what the fuck are florida and delaware supposed to be

I live in Arizona and I have no idea who that is. I'd also bet any amount of money my friends and coworkers don't either.

>t. someone who can list every other character on there.

league of legends charcacter teemo


Attached: 1587091503468.png (424x413, 250.31K)

I've never even played overwatch.

Based Oklahoma.

Attached: TracerDance.webm (1920x1829, 2.97M)


Attached: chadiroth.png (540x675, 148.12K)


>New Hampshire

Attached: coomer.jpg (1545x869, 91.62K)

Thought they had good taste for a second

what the hell is florida hawaii?

Is this some kind of poll, why the fuck would so many states have Bowser?
How recently was this data taken? I wouldn't be surprised if some or most of those Bowser states are searching for a certain other fan created meme character.

based Hellsing chads

Attached: 1518870087688.png (779x829, 827.63K)

Based Mississippi

Things we're now #1 in:

>teen pregancy
>vidya taste

Attached: 1586828445523.png (360x318, 27.87K)

>no snake
Where the hell did everything go so wrong?

>wrong alucard

Nobody in my state knows who that is, so stop lying.