Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

Can we agree it's not a meme anymore?

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i like both

I hate both

This should needs a edit to be more like the wii version.

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Something's fishy, how does Makna forest look like during the different times of the day?

The problem with this one is just a lack of color
hopefully they don't de-saturate the hell out of the remake, but this might just be a bad example?

it's not soulless but the colors on the top are better

>less detail on prerendered background vegetation
but why

it isn't prerendered anymore in the remake, it's actually modelled instead

Nice try fag, I like the fog of the original better, but the color are entierly gonna depend on the weather and time of the day

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>hopefully they don't de-saturate the hell out of the remake
They won't the other ones look fine. It's just this waterfall that looks bad in DE.
That still looks like shit though. I wasn't talking about the sky.

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top right looks way better

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oh no no no demake confirmed

The piss filter like OoT3D is what’s fucking things up

Wow, I actually think your edit is better...

Why is the demake more ugly?

Yeah in those shots I posted which I why I said it's just the waterfall looks bad. I was saying what 505586612 posted was still shit.

Can't have a Xeno thread without soul vs souless, my edited is better, too anime, japanese humor.

Based. 2babs getting furious.

>Can't have a Xeno thread without soul vs souless, my edited is better, too anime, japanese humor.
The thread wouldn't get going so until Yas Forums changes no

Not buying it because I remember those asshole giant sized enemies

The TRexes
The spiders in the marsh
The orgers
That one Mechon you all know what I mean
The mega sized Hi entia that start patrolling around after you know what happens
The surprise dive bombing faggot eagle

I'm done with crap like that, I hate big ass enemies and apparently X and 2 have enemies even bigger than those like that giant turtle boss in that FF game that everybody hates

>brainlet has to go to extremes again
2 had some mediocre cringe worthy comedic segments. Zeke's moments and Nia discovering her wanted poster were way better than "one eyed munstah" and the webms that are tossed around. Art style was fine. 1DE's new art is fine, but inferior to the original.

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Shut up Melia

Fuck off nigger i bet you like the new anime moeshiet remake bevcaus tyou dont have any test you cock sucking faggot go die from coornavirus wuhile i enjoy thr SOUl of the orignal wii 480p(enis) game

The hell? Tyrants/Unique Monsters are like one of the best parts of the series. Nothing tastes more sweet then coming back and conquering the behemoths you ran from early on. Filtered

Mad Melia's VA is getting replaced in the epilogue? Is that why you're lashing out at things you don't understand?

Nigger fuck of uyou would lap up antthing nutakahsahsi puts out these days you havent even played xenogears it shiots all over xenobaby cringetesticles you fucking nigger

Why the fuck haven't nigger children like you been gassed to death?

SOUL SOULESS posters shoudl be round up and hunted for sport. Fuck you. I hate you bitch. Die.

Here's mine user!

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Atleast i have taste and standards you fcuking Xeno2bab go die in a fire with your stupid gachashit anime moefart niggerblaster tittysucking nippledicking games

Calm down bud ok?

im shitposting to discredit soulfags, but dont tell anyone!