Open inventory

>open inventory
>game doesn't pause

Attached: mamads.webm (790x1080, 2.47M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>open game
>in menu
>press back
>go to premenu
>spend 5 minutes trying to find the quit button

>open inventory
>loading screen

Attached: ESUnrQnVAAEt5UI.jpg (1538x2048, 243.18K)

>open menu
>music changes

Attached: 41407809.png (294x215, 75.54K)

>open options menu
>music gets funky as fuck

Attached: 1580682829302.gif (320x407, 116.17K)

>open menu
>game pauses

Attached: 1587846736604.jpg (506x477, 18.06K)

>Unzips dick
>World doesn't pause

>open inventory
>character physically pulls up an inventory menu that he actively navigates through

Attached: 1571563734866.jpg (600x800, 63.09K)


>Open Menu
>See the characters walking animation in the pause menu

Attached: 1580152726122.gif (220x180, 272.94K)

games that do this?

Attached: 1574990706500.jpg (1080x1920, 150.95K)

>low health
>open inventory
>game pauses
>"eat" tons of food to fully heal up
looking at you todd

Attached: 1587947382308.png (734x850, 216.53K)

>pause is disabled

Who is this?
She's lovely.

Attached: 1587093660541.jpg (1024x1004, 59.51K)

Does she not have enough sleep?

Attached: 1587769476316.jpg (500x375, 61.77K)

The Ellen page of this decade

who is this brap hog

Margaret Qualley.
Looks like tourettes.

>pause the game
>the screen turns one shade darker and the music stops

Attached: 1587426258721.png (341x307, 255.47K)

who is she?

>map is the right side of the touch pad
>inventory is left side of touch pad
>start button is a blank screen that says "paused"

Attached: 2ccdba7ba3bea8c8428e7d021d2fecec.jpg (1102x1542, 261.74K)

>pause game
>company's signature jingle plays

Attached: 1587223971260.jpg (825x639, 113.97K)

dead space

Can you imagine what it would feel like to tuck her into bed?

Attached: 1585601611188.jpg (250x250, 13.57K)

You mean cuddling with her ?

Attached: 1587952067777.gif (400x181, 888.37K)

>open menu
>game crashes

Attached: 1583391550884.png (392x464, 292.93K)

>pause game
>it insults you

Attached: Screenshot+2019-11-19+10.24.13.png (899x517, 1.08M)

imagine having this shit saved on your pc


>open menu
>order a burger

Attached: p burger 5.png (695x802, 832.98K)

I looked her up and found this interview with Jimmy kimmel.
God he is such a faggot. I hate this guy so much.

Attached: 1588045238405.jpg (590x768, 74.77K)

I wish I had a GF.

No that's too much.
I would barely make eye contact with her.

Attached: 1587010566517.jpg (900x900, 124.14K)

he also gets to bang this

Attached: sarah-silverman.jpg (2716x3656, 1.61M)

>open the menu
>music changes to a bad muffled menu song


Attached: 22221.jpg (800x600, 180.38K)

>push start for menu
>game pauses
>player menu for inventory is actually select button

Attached: 1moar.png (447x591, 499.27K)

whats wrong with that?

Attached: insecure.png (602x537, 638.74K)


>gets to
>insufferable jewess sjw

Attached: MV5BYzUxZWYxYTMtYmE3Mi00ODVhLWIzNGMtMThiYzEzOGRhZGE0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0,45,480,270_AL_UX477_CR0,0,477,268_AL_.jpg (477x268, 9.68K)


Attached: 1581906921609.gif (430x242, 2.74M)

If you could bang her you would tho

Attached: ew.png (303x345, 205.27K)


>loading screen
>its a lewd imagine of an anime girl

Attached: 1493018270863.png (152x254, 40.48K)

No I've had sex with attractive girls, and even that was pretty much shit.
With all my heart, i would not fuck that garbage.


I fucking hate this

Fuckin Tarantino

>press escape
>game closes with no additional input

why do emulators do this

Imagine resting your face right there.

Attached: 1587015632206.jpg (640x793, 59.26K)

What the

What's going on here


>open map
>just a static image of the level that doesn't show your current position

Attached: acyilUws_o.jpg (2736x3648, 1.21M)

yeah, it's great

She looks horrible naked.

Source? More?

>game doesn't show your position so you have to use landmarks to navigate
More games should do this.