You may post ITT if you have the original superstar saga catridge.
You may post ITT if you have the original superstar saga catridge
I'll post wherever I like thank you very much
I do, but it's at my dad's house in my original gameboy carrying case
yeah bro, its on my hard drive.
Is it rare or something? I have it downstairs and I'm browsing Yas Forums while masturbating in my upstairs bathroom
I can post after I finish
No i just want a reason to post mine.
Odds are that I am probably older than you are
Prove it
Buying that game and going in to it completely blind was a magical thing.
i finished this game so many times, yet it was always as fun as before
I have the cart, box and instruction manual. I keep crap for too long.
You poor negroes should buy the 3ds version or kys
I lost mine ;_;
Best GBA game
fuck man, I sold all my gameboy advanced and gameboy color games with consoles and accessories at a neighborhood tagsale. Literally a suitcase full. Boxes and everything. I got $20.
Sapphire alone is worth more than that now. Good thing all these games emulate perfectly on 3ds.
I think my old JP cart is in a different state at this point, probably in my brother's garage.
I'll bite. What am I looking at? A romhack?
i just did
Reporting in. Unironically one of the best games I've ever played.
>post yfw you first discovered what you could do when you had this as well
You're looking at what is essentially the alpha of M&L RPG. Tomato Adventure.
Why stop there? post ITT only if you have the best RPGs on the GBA
What, rumble features
If you don't own this game honestly get the fuck off of Yas Forums in general
dreamt about this game last night tbqh. shit I don't own it tho
My best friends brother Ethan stole it from me.
i want to see a bbc inbetween those fingers
you are obsessed
I'm not london teehee
Fuck me OP you just made me realize that i lost it
well shit i guess this is what i have left
The 3DS version is the definition of soul vs soulless
I have TTA somewhere but it's in a box. I lost my original golden sun many years ago. Super jealous you have two
>GBA Phantasia
It is the best way to play