You may post ITT if you have the original superstar saga catridge

You may post ITT if you have the original superstar saga catridge.

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I'll post wherever I like thank you very much

I do, but it's at my dad's house in my original gameboy carrying case

yeah bro, its on my hard drive.

Is it rare or something? I have it downstairs and I'm browsing Yas Forums while masturbating in my upstairs bathroom
I can post after I finish


No i just want a reason to post mine.

Odds are that I am probably older than you are

Prove it

Buying that game and going in to it completely blind was a magical thing.

i finished this game so many times, yet it was always as fun as before

I have the cart, box and instruction manual. I keep crap for too long.

You poor negroes should buy the 3ds version or kys

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I lost mine ;_;

Best GBA game

fuck man, I sold all my gameboy advanced and gameboy color games with consoles and accessories at a neighborhood tagsale. Literally a suitcase full. Boxes and everything. I got $20.
Sapphire alone is worth more than that now. Good thing all these games emulate perfectly on 3ds.

I think my old JP cart is in a different state at this point, probably in my brother's garage.

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I'll bite. What am I looking at? A romhack?

i just did

Reporting in. Unironically one of the best games I've ever played.

>post yfw you first discovered what you could do when you had this as well

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You're looking at what is essentially the alpha of M&L RPG. Tomato Adventure.

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Why stop there? post ITT only if you have the best RPGs on the GBA

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What, rumble features

If you don't own this game honestly get the fuck off of Yas Forums in general

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dreamt about this game last night tbqh. shit I don't own it tho

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My best friends brother Ethan stole it from me.

i want to see a bbc inbetween those fingers

you are obsessed
I'm not london teehee

Fuck me OP you just made me realize that i lost it
well shit i guess this is what i have left

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The 3DS version is the definition of soul vs soulless


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I have TTA somewhere but it's in a box. I lost my original golden sun many years ago. Super jealous you have two

>GBA Phantasia

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It is the best way to play