I love night elf girls so much

i love night elf girls so much
if they ever join my party i started getting really awkward and competitive over showing off to them, start sweating a bit too
i give them some money for helping me and send lots of thank yous in whispers
look at those feet too

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Elves are absolute shit-tier trash compared to gnome girls.

>t. manlet

I can tell you right now if I ever saw a gnome in my party I'd always vote kick them and 3/4 of the time it would go through.

Attached: Nelf babe.png (815x1265, 730.81K)

female blonde belf chads rise up. night elves are the only other race that can even compete because they've got that juicy thigh gap.

why is she wh*te

I had a male BE Paladin, but I probably, had I kept playing, genderswapped and farmed T2 to transmog. But that made me cry thinking 'well that's kinda cheating'. This is why I had hoped vanilla could be spiced up with other races so running around in T2 Paladin set is legit a good idea. Ah well.

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My memory of the character creator is rusty, but Nelves had a very light purple option for skin colors.

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imagine the taste

Severe beatings


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>censore pussy
>leave nipple untouched
user you had 1 job

Elf girls:
- Dumb whores
- All lesbian feminists
- Hate men
- Stupid, can't hold a conversation that isn't about "muh trees"
- Loose, purple roastbeef pussies
- Blew up the world twice

Gnome girls:
- Not dumb whores
- All straight and traditional
- Love men (especially humans)
- Brilliant and insightful, always worth talking to
- Tight, beatiful innie pussies
- Have never blown up the world but will blow your cock on command if you agree to be her boyfriend
- Their size makes them perfect as cocksleeves you can pick up when you need them

moonlit dinners

This technically doesn't count as race mixing.

marriage and breeding

It's art. Nipples are fine.

Funny you should bring up gnomes loving human men, because NElves have pretty much bent turned into human-loving pansies.
Shandris herself fell for the Rambo expy last I checked.

>YES, I will boost for a small fee...

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foot worship

>reading gnome propaganda
As if. Wake me up when they stop nuking themselves.

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i like draenei girls

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Having their asses eaten

Passionate love-making.

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no feet though


Objectively best asses though. Unless you like gross pandas.

Shame about their tree-house getting burnt down. All that poon, up in smoke.

Mother of christ on a cross, why are Blood Elves so fucking perfect.


user, what do you think the elves will do in order to beg for a new home?

>Horde has a long history of genociding the hottest races instead of turning them into breeding slaves
>High elves
>Night elves
I swear to god the horde must have some sort of homosexual initiation/brainwashing for all it's highest ranking members.

The horde is homosexuals, user.
Why do you think it's 90% blood elves?

Goblins are much better tho

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Pandaren women were always destined for men of taste.

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