Unwinnable boss fights

Unwinnable boss fights.

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>the font is more difficult than the actual game

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>win boss fight
>still lose in the cutscene

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This is painful to look at

>俺たちが火を付けて 窓から落ちたよ
You can't translate this without rewriting the whole line or preserving the words but losing the substance and intent.

Is learning Japanese a pipe dream?

Started listening to a ton of Japanese podcasts. Fucking hell listening is by far the hardest skill.

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>Jap game has american origin characters and western like military setting
>translation substitutes "shogo" for "code"
If you dare do anything like this I will kick your ass, mkay?

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I never told my students back when I taught moon but yeah... 99% of you aren't going to learn shit

what's the point here?

>Unwinnable boss fights.
Apparently having a thread about unwinnable boss fights without it immediately getting derailed into a discussion about the Japanese language.

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Technically; the right translation is correct if you interpret "code" as how Samurais define it.
But this is a westaboo game, and in western culture, "code" means cryptononym. And after 3 BB is no longer a secret government agent.

Never heard of thinly veiled X threads?

How do you not understand that the boss fight of learning moon is practically the apex of an unwinnable boss fight? It's easier to learn english than it is to learn Japanese


Real life.

Sure, but only because the setting in all of them imitates western military movies. The rest of the content in those games are Japanese by nature

>language with rules that are virtually never broken and phonetics so consistant any first year student can pronounce every word in the dictionary at first glance is more difficult than language that's so fucking convoluted and inconsistent that even native speakers have no clue when it comes to grammar and pronunciation half the time.


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Japanese is just a fucked language. Literally anything else is easier.

What did user mean by this?

>26 letters
>6 gorillion moon runes

all with many many ways to write them to have different meanings while sounding the same

like you could write divine thrust and through nip language change a few signs and now it also reads divine thrust celestial stab

english is harder than japanese

t. native japanese speaker

>btfo players so hard nintendo has to remove you from existence because of the tears

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>extremely hard boss fight
>it's not a scripted unwinnable fight and you have to win

なんで日本語スレがYas Forumsに現れたんだろう

>based IGN JAPAN bro
my nibba. How the fuck is クラベさん so goddamn good? He makes Daniel's japanese sound like literal dogshit.

koriatsu kozai komo yozuto kai nisu

feels bad

>kill boss in corner of room
>cutscene shows him dying in the middle of the room

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"We started a fire and jumped out a window"?

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I just wanted to jump in and say that I hate Peter from Japanese Pod 101.

No meme responses please, but is learning Japanese actually nearly impossible? I know it's pretty fucking hard.

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Kept an eye on the fire.