Can you kill these fuckers? I got rek'd after shooting one of them in the face
Alien Isolation Thread
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Pretty sure the only non-killable enemy is the alyum.
I beat them to death with the wrench, even though you're not supposed to (they will block most swings then grab you). I haven't played the game for a few years, but I believe the wrench has a longer reach than their grab, so you can hit them whilst constantly backing up (it takes many swings)
Yes, but the pistol isn't very effective. It takes around 5 or 6 shots to the head to kill them so it should only be a last resort. There are weapons you'll get later that will make killing them more viable.
There’s plenty of items you learn how to make that will take them out. But it never gets easy. Even late game, trying to kill one is never the optimal option
Wrench doesn't work in hardest difficulty. They just block it.
Best best is to run away. They forget about you if you hide in a vent far away enough.
They need multiple revolver shots. Shoot a couple times, retreat, shoot some more.
An EMP will also take care of the easily until the armored ones come out
I played on second hardest difficulty, I'm pretty certain they don't block all the swings. You can definitely beat them from behind, then when they turn you run and hide until they go back to patrolling, repeat.
The alien is nothing compared to these faggots in nightmare difficulty.
And their neck. Jesus, their neck...
At a certain point I actually found these more scary than the Aliens
>you are being hysterical
From behind yes but up front, impossible.
>You're violating Seegson safety protocols.
>Tut, tut
>Let me help you
>This incident will be reported
Even with the ayy out of the picture, these Joes really creep the fuck out of you. CA's work on the game atmosphere is top notch.
The first time you meet them? No. Only options to use is the EMP Mines which you get later and then beat them down. But that becomes more of a last minute resort because it attracts attention
>played the game in nightmare mode without the alien
>took me 2 weeks to complete with lots of pauses to get my shit together from the stress and because of these fuckers only.
on the hardest difficulty any sort of combat whatsoever is going to summon the alien. the only way to beat it is with total stealth. you can't even sprint iirc.
Good luck having loads of emps in nightmare. You're constantly out of everything.
Is this game actually good? i'm thinking of getting a new Switch game. It's between Alien Isolation, Metro 2033 Redux and SF 30th Anniv
I do like stealth games. Is Alien Iso as good as MGS in that regard?
>be CA
>make one game that isn't total war
>one of the best licensed titles ever
>makes everyone forget about colonial marine
>never make another
why anons?
Sega. That's why. It sold like hotcakes but Sega thought it was a
It's likely due to budget vs gross margins.
>actually good
user, Alien Isolation is the best, legitimate, horror game by a country mile in the past decade. Top tier atmosphere, excellent graphics, astonishingly immersive, actual interactive and decent mechanics and fucking terrifying. Not FNAF bullshit, it's genuinely engrossing.
The biggest mystery of all time.
>Is this game actually good?
yes, very but the last chapters drag on a bit.
>Is Alien Iso as good as MGS in that regard?
hard question to answer given they're all different. if i had to rank it with the MGS games i'd put it over everything except 1-3.
>Running causes accidents.
>I am built to withstand temperatures of up to 1210 degrees
>I can wait. I can wait for you for a very long time.
>What are you playing at?
>Was that you?
>Gone. A waste of both our time.
They have unreal amount of quotes. Ironic that mere androids feel more alive than most vidya enemies.
Yes its very good, propably the best Alien game you could have
Definitely not as good as MGS but it’s a whole different ball of wax. A lot of the fun is in poking around the authentic looking/sounding environments. I dunno about the switch port either I’d imagine you should play on pc/ps4/xbone if you can but maybe someone else can speak to that.
hmm, still not convinced. I mean, I did like the James Cameron movie, but not the first one that much, and hated the third. I'm not too invested in the characters after what happened in the 3rd.
What is the stealth like?
Whos creepier Working Joes or Mr.X?
Just buy it, you'll be hooked.
>shoot alien in face with shotgun
>doesnt die
Shit game desu
the stealth is great. when it comes to the alien you're reduced to sneaking around and hiding for the most part. with the human enemies you can get a bit more creative (unless you're trying for the no-kill achievement).
The whole game felt like you were a woman in a prison full of rapists, with the alien being the biggest rapist of all.
didn't hicks have to shove the shotgun down the alien's throat to kill it in aliens?
I really wish the revolver had a use in some fashion. Even if you start shooting human enemies, the gunshots will alarm the Alien and just take care of them for you.
It doesn’t really sound like he’ll like it. It’s nothing like MGS and he doesn’t even like the non-action alien films. I know you live it, I do too, but that doesn’t mean every joe blow is gonna love it too.
I'd day WJ because you genuinely enjoy taking one down.
There is a segmant where the alien is considered "dead" and you're fighting working joes. I doubt the alien would spawn at that section.
Arguably the best part of the game
Then he's just a faggot with shit taste right?