The new Assassins Creed will be revealed tomorrow evening, are you looking forward to a new Assassins Creed experience...

The new Assassins Creed will be revealed tomorrow evening, are you looking forward to a new Assassins Creed experience, Yas Forums?

Attached: Assassins-Creed-2020-Ragnarok-Mjolnir-Leaks-confirming-Norse-Mythology-Rumors-seems-Fake-696x392.jpg (696x392, 52.11K)

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It will be shit

It will be great



Cant wait to collect all the question marks OP !


>AC creator wanted a trilogy
>After the success of the first one he had to split up the second game
>After the success of the AC2 splits he was forced to make more
>He didn't want to
>He got fired for it
>New writers killed Desmond and added dumbass new "present time" stories
>The latest one somehow crammed the Animus into a fucking VR headset
Really wish they would just drop the present timeline. IIRC in Syndicate they basically dropped it. Almost all of the present timeline nonsense was in skippable cutscenes. We all know the story will never end because of how much money the series makes.

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Can't wait to play as a strong transgender woman fighting to save black vikings from evil white men.


I want a new rayman

As someone that's never played AC before, why the fuck would you ever care about the dollar store da vinci code illuminati story of the present timeline, isn't the whole appeal of AssCreed that it's period settings?

Was some la creatura hooked up to a VR machine that compelling?

people still care about ass creed?

Depends if it's a true viking game or if it has random blacks all over

It's going to be vikmemes instead of properly finishing up a Mediterranean trilogy because brainlets think ancient Rome = renaissaince Rome so yeah.

Fucking this, the world was so compelling I want more

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It'll have all of that shit. Even Vinland Saga has a tranny character.


>falling for the "durrr vikings!!1" meme

Unironically yes. Odyssey was alright. I'm down for more MMO-lite Assassin's Creed.

It was, but following the meta plot was extremely interesting until AC3. It was like play a story from the beginning and also just before the end, only to have them both combine to explain all past and present storylines.

Except it blew ass, and the entirety of the series was ruined because Desmond basically just says fuck it to the world and unmakes everything

yeah excited

Guess the setting

I’m thinking china

>ass creed game where you spend most of the game climbing on shit and wank huts


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This fuck ubisoft

Origins and odyssey were a massive departure from what made assassins creed good. All the RPG shit they added makes it feel like a completely different game than the originals from 1 through 3. Also killing off Desmond was one of the most retarded decisions ever made in gaming because it gave the games that extra depth and purpose to the story rather than now which feels like randomly picking a location, making some random assassin storyline and then moving onto another location the next game as opposed to Desmond needing to contact his ancestors to progress in the modern day storyline.


the modern day stuff was really fucking cool back when i played ac2 when it came out. it added a real cool layer to the game. kind of made it all real creepy.

The modern day shit was cool though.
I unironically loved it when the game pulled me out of the animus to do it. My interest in the series dies when they resolved the Juno plotline in a comic.

AssCreed should’ve ended at 3, as was intended

will it be an actual assassin creed game or just a witcher wannabe like the last 2 games?

>still no fucking Splinter Cell even after they brought back Ironside
No mercy for frogs

>opposed to Desmond needing to contact his ancestors to progress in the modern day storyline.

And it doesn't help that the "new Desmond" is completely unlikable. I think AC devs should stop injecting so much DnD into AC and just make a new IP instead but it's just probably some suits just forcing them to keep milking the franchise.

The latter because microtransactions.

I'm sure Yas Forums will love this one because it's VIKINGS and we all know all the neckbeards and fedoralords have a hard-on for VIKINGS.

Even though historically I don't think vikings had assassins or were assassins in any way, shape, or form. We had a native american Assassin, so who gives a fuck at this point.