RIP Epic Games, its been fun but

RIP Epic Games, its been fun but...

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obviously so they can get your email and phone number for their chink networking and info gathering

>give your phone number to chinese goverment

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Do you use Uber by chance?

You don't though, you set up through any authentication app of your choice.

What they gonna do? Call me?

i don't give a fuck what free games they bring out next. not doing that shit. fuck epic

no, because im not an alcoholic or a nigger

don't tell him about white pages oh no no no no


>obviously so they can get your email
How do you make an account without an email?

Before bitching about China maybe worry about your own government controlling all your personal info first? Get your priorities straight.

yeah, so?

No i have a car

I think Epic screwed themselves over with how they handled their store. There's no reason for a dev to bring a game over to ES by themselves without Epic paying out a bribe in some way or funding development. If you're a dev your better off going to steam and by some chance your game makes a big enough splash wait for Epic to contact you to work out a deal so they put it on their store.

The incentive for devs is they keep much more of the sales compared to Steam.

epic be like if you want super meat boy you better make it harder for the chinese to brute force your accounts because we sure won't block them from trying

Keep your shit games Epic

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no i'm not poor

>ni hao, i-is this user? pls visit our store soon !

Who cares?

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The incentive is Epic buys a fuckton of copies outright, that's where the "bigger cut" comes from.

Lol, I stopped logging in to get free games months ago already.

using uber isnt about being poor. its being stupid

>mfw haven't downloaded a single "free" epic game

no epic both has a lower per copy cut and also advances

clearly you do

>thinks being an ignorant, uninformed, apathetic halfwit who doesn't care about his own privacy is Chad-like


>you have to use an email to make an epic account
>you use that same email for 2FA

Imagine being this stupid

seriously? I don't have a fucking phone fuck off with this shit

use google voice

they have a lot of shit games but personally i really wanted Just Cause 4. after that im done.

You can just use the same email you registered with. I just have dummy emails for this stuff rather than my personal email.