Thank you SNK for all these hilarious and wacky pranks.
Thank you SNK for all these hilarious and wacky pranks
Skullomania??? How
Terry was in FEXL so SNK had to say thank you to Arika in some way
>shovelware shoestring budget 30fps one button special meme fighter sells 500,000 copies
Sequel when?
Should have been Zeroko with the brapping move
>tfw missed on loli Chang
>returned to the game because of Lady Mr.Big
>she was fucking paid only
Fuck kofas
>TFW Krizalid gets pranked
>Ends up looking like some random moeblob designed to pander to China while dressed in a modified version of his bondage gear instead of actually looking like a genuine Rule 63
Good news, Loli Zero just went live
I know.
Fucking nice.
but where's pranked Kyo?
>skullomania now female
is she in the gacha?
Nope, not yet.
I also wouldn't mind a Pranked Mr. Karate if she were built enough...
Doesn't Billy have a sister? Why waste a prank on him.
Thought that was Akira from Rival Schools for a minute
Ms. Karate Takumama
>paid only
>in tiers where you have to purchase a number of packages to obtain her and her ex skill
Is she at least OP to warrant all that whaling?
It was such a shame, all they had to do was replicate kofxiv
At least the actual snk gals is coming
She's good, but she's not $250 good
What are the yellow marks on some characters for?
Sorry, those are my fighters. I keep track on them.
Pls, ignore it.
Nope. Too late. I've noticed them and can no longer un-notice it.
Pretty Zero looks like that one Kula recolor in Mugen, Shula.
i thought the same thing