Thank you SNK for all these hilarious and wacky pranks

Thank you SNK for all these hilarious and wacky pranks.

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Skullomania??? How

Terry was in FEXL so SNK had to say thank you to Arika in some way

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>shovelware shoestring budget 30fps one button special meme fighter sells 500,000 copies

Sequel when?

Should have been Zeroko with the brapping move

>tfw missed on loli Chang
>returned to the game because of Lady Mr.Big
>she was fucking paid only
Fuck kofas

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>TFW Krizalid gets pranked
>Ends up looking like some random moeblob designed to pander to China while dressed in a modified version of his bondage gear instead of actually looking like a genuine Rule 63


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Good news, Loli Zero just went live

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I know.

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Fucking nice.

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but where's pranked Kyo?

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>skullomania now female

is she in the gacha?

Nope, not yet.

I also wouldn't mind a Pranked Mr. Karate if she were built enough...

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Doesn't Billy have a sister? Why waste a prank on him.

Thought that was Akira from Rival Schools for a minute


Ms. Karate Takumama

>paid only
>in tiers where you have to purchase a number of packages to obtain her and her ex skill
Is she at least OP to warrant all that whaling?

It was such a shame, all they had to do was replicate kofxiv
At least the actual snk gals is coming

She's good, but she's not $250 good

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What are the yellow marks on some characters for?

Sorry, those are my fighters. I keep track on them.
Pls, ignore it.

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Nope. Too late. I've noticed them and can no longer un-notice it.

Pretty Zero looks like that one Kula recolor in Mugen, Shula.

i thought the same thing

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