Spyro in smash

How devestating would this furry little fuck be to Sony ?

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devastatingly based

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Not a lot now that everyone stopped caring thanks to Marth #8

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Crash would be rad in smash
The real question is what would the move set would look like

It's really kind of amazing how much 1 character completely derailed all hype and discussion for the rest of the DLC


>Incineroar but light weight

Thank god I lost my interest in the DLC with Joker and all the other DLC picks were shit too

>Not "Crash is in"

>Bring back the Crash yelling at Nintendo HQ commercial
>Front doors swing open
>Mario comes charging out

I'd be okay with this

Snoy stopped giving a shit when their Smash-clone failed and playing CoD/sportsball better than M$ mattered more. They're probably satisfied enough just securing limited-exclusivity of N.Sane before anybody else.

well he's got hurricane spins, slide jumps, ground pounds, bazookahs. You could also try to fit landing on enemies in there but since Mario can't do that I don't know how that would fit in.

He better come with this song

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that'd be awesome, like mascot Mario just swings open the double doors cracking his knuckles during Crash's megaphone part

>it'd be "DACUNT IS BANJO" all over again

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as well as a double jump but thats more for mobility, maybe hurricane spins would synergize with it

It’s gonna be rayman as the 90s platformer character rep

It is becaus some people were stupid enough to become hypnotized into kissing Disney's ass which is bad. I am glad the 5 DLC are not Sora, not Waluigi, not NOTHING!


We will see if the dragon and or the orange guy join Smash as playable for real. Please wait out the next two years including his year

People were saying Duck Hunt already does everything Banjo and Kazooie could ever do.
Made the Reveal funny to me.

>'Spyro in crash'
picture of orange rodent

To be fair, they had the chance to save it, but they made the first fighter of the second pack fucking Arms of all things. I have zero faith in fighter pass 2 being good. You just know we're going to get some faggy Sw/Sh pokemon. At this point I won't be surprised if the next fighter announced is Steel Diver or some shit.

Good, it brought people back to earth about outlandish predictions based on retarded made up criteria.

And then Mario beats the shit out of crash. Fucks crashetta while crash is twitching on the floor after Mario curb stomped his ass.

And so he fucks and cums all other female crasherella and then they fight but this time it's peach vs crashetta

Crashetta joins the brawl ! As it freeze frames on her cum stained face

>ARMS isn't good
>tfw people remembered it's a Nintendo crossover game and not faggot meme of month character contest
Based Sakurai.

U R Gross

Also a regenerating Aku Aku that has 1(RGB) and 2(Orange, Red, Yellow) levels of invulnerability, tanking down damage taken. final Smash couls be a invincibility mask run with large hitbox and high launch capabilities for a shortened duration of the original Aku Aku bongo theme. Also could have a FS of Cortex ray to the map but that feels K.Roolish and not Crash enough. Crash could also have a jetpack for recovery....with inverted controls like in Crash 2

Spyro's only chance of making it in is off of Crash's back anyways.

I see a pattern forming...
Seriously though, I genuinely think is a lock considering how popular he is world wide even in Japan. His remakes being super successful helps him a lot too, especially when Activision considers it a main franchise now and Smash would be perfect advertising.

>Incineroar neutral b
>Slide attack down a
>down air attack anyone has
>Bazookah that would either act like Kazooie or a Nikita

the potential

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