Monster hunter newfag here, is the game good on pc, also between hammer, long sword, and dual blades which one is the most fun?
Monster hunter world
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weapon choice depends on what you think is fun
I heard pc is behind on content is that true?
Hammer is most fun
Not anymore
It's caught up now
PC and consoles are in parity and have been since the Raging/Furious update.
Between those three hammer is most fun, whack whack whack
I have played nothing but dual blades and bow, can anyone give me one more weapon suggestion?
The long sword is good but if you want speed get the dual blades but you have to get too close.
PC version is full of cheaters. I would avoid it, or attempt a refund now if possible.
>PC version is full of chinese
Big damage with big swings, spin around or smack the shit out of a monsters face. Can ko for bonus damage.
>long sword
Comboish weapon with good mobility. Dodge and slash at the same time. Build up gauge to do your big combo and power up your weapon.
>dual blades
Go absolutely nuts slicing and dicing. Mash them buttons and watch your characters destroy his shoulders. Enter demon mode to do even more. Flashy jump attack.
You decide what you think is more fun between these.
Didnt china put up a firewall to keep chinks from going to foreign servers?
always played with /mhg/, never ran into cheaters once
Barely cheating when you can just rewrite the numbers in the files (im not doing it)
>hes not playing it SP
>or MP with friends only
>complains about cheating in a coop game
Meh. If people want to spoil the fun for themselves, let em
>Join MT Kulve SOS
>First thing host do is claw her head and send her flying in a wall twice without tenderizing
Is there some kind of sick 1337 twitch flowchart I'm missing?
>MR KT literally comes out
>not even 5 minutes into the event, 6 fags in the /mhg/ room already have the Kjarr elemental CBs
>Not cheaters
Yeah fuck off dude
Why don't you just solo it, fag?
/mhg/ PC players literally admit to cheating their decos, tickets, and even the fucking Spiritvein gems (Before the Nerg event.)
Plus, THIS is what they're fucking PC rooms look like.
That's not what I asked though.
I haven't played much recently due to finally getting an "essential job", but last time I played, it was exclusively with Chinese players with their mics on having background convos and one shotting monsters.
But that's nothing that effects me or the hunt.
But it's still cheating, so you're wrong
I fucking WISH.
I barely play alone anymore, been doing it for 150 hours, then started playing with randoms cause I have no friends and they are all cart so fucking much.
Are we going to pretend that save editing wasn't a thing ever since fucking tri again?
Don't you get tired of that shit?
Holy shit, it's their games and the it's co-op. Also I've never been in a party with cheaters, no one cheated to kill the monster lmao. Consolekeks can't even handle the freedom PC players get
I'm not him. And yeah its cheating. But who cares?
It's still cheating. "Consolekeks" are the most honest Monster Hunter players.
PC players are dishonest and have no respect for the grind.
You sound like a coping cheater, furious and seething that I called you out.
>it's their game
Well they're playing online, so it's my game too at that point.
LMAO, this salt
seethe more lad
Bad day to jump on this ship.
Only people who save edit are meta slaves who NEED BiS Charms/Decos.
The same people cheating in Decos/TGL materials are the very same people who powersaved their Charms and Relic weapons.
These are the people that populate /mhg/, it's gotten so bad that I can't even enjoy my MT set without some shitter calling me a tranny despite my MT set not even being meta.
>And yeah its cheating
All I needed to hear. Don't care to read what else you posted, it's irrelevant to me and my point.
Tenderizing the head before a wallbang does more damage?
Also new here. Does Free Meal work with Fungiform?
Oh, he's back. Ignore this retard.
Less then 7 words and there's still reddit spacing... oh my god...
>supreme autism
Say no more
>Autists will STILL give this awful bait unironic (You)s
He's new, if anything them delaying updates is much better for him so he can catch up.
You know you can meld old KT materials for kjarr weapons right? you do KNOW that you only need a few MR KT parts to fully upgrade a kjarr weap right? god why are you such a fucking shitter you piece of excrement.
Oh shit I did reply seriously. My b
nah not anymore
they used to be for a long time but from now on all updates on console are synced up with PC
>knowing how reddit works
yeah, go back
You can literally only use MR KT pieces to upgrade KT weapons. You can use HR KT pieces to make a weapon via the melder.
Fucking retard, not only did you cheat but you don't even understand the fucking game you're cheating in.
i bought some amd shit for my pc and got this game for free on steam, should i try it?
What the fuck Capcom
Good job on the spacing this time!
You're really learning!
That's exactly what I said imbecile, why can't you even read? Not to mention that it took me 1 run of 5 minutes with my friends to max 3 kjarr weapons, GET FUCKING GOOD, or get friends? either works.
How are console players more "honest" when they've been cheating for over 10 years, while it hasn't even been out on PC for 2?
Holy shit, consolekek absolutely destroyed.
cope more retard
I don't give two fucks what you said cheater. Why would you even fucking reply to me if you knew you were wrong. Damn, you legitimately are retarded.
No wonder you cheat.