Person makes picture claiming some villager is trans

>person makes picture claiming some villager is trans
>clearly says her species is an ostrich
>"no it's a peacock and it's mtf transpecies, duh"
I can't understand how these people think

Attached: twanswights.png (790x763, 454.39K)

Julia is a MAP.

Where did you find this image from

he made it, he just doesn't remember making it

>puts no effort into looking like a peahen and just looks like a regular male peacock
Typical tranny

That is the most flamboyantly transgender/transspecies ostrich I have ever seen.

OP, do you just hang out on Tumblr looking for these?


trans women are based

julia isnt trans, devs just dont know shit about biology.
on the other hand, there is Pavé...

>clearly says her species is an ostrich
Yeah, just like how Savannah is a horse.

Attached: 200px-Savannah_NLa.png (200x319, 59.48K)

why the fuck are you on /lgbt/

fuck I have Julia in my town... time to get her to leave

there are loads of villagers that are designed to look like a different species. boone looks like a mandrill for example but is still considered a gorilla.

Pick one

Attached: EWskGTvU0AMhi4T.png (1500x500, 72.05K)

some of us LIKE eating poop

Canonically she is, in New Horizons especially they refer to their species a lot in dialogue. Maybe styling themselves after similar, more exotic species is a fashion statement for animals.

Obsessed and seething

>Not a horse

Attached: 1529027638053.jpg (400x407, 70.65K)


Jesus fucking Christ will you obsessed faggots stop talking about trannies for two fucking minutes

Attached: 1478574731519.jpg (500x384, 23.8K)

He can’t keep getting away with it!

gyaru whore

being a tranny doesn't hurt anyone but being a neo nazi does

No, she's a Bird.

Technically, it's a donkey.

You should be proud of what you do, not who you "are".

Tell that to all those dead children

because I'm transgender

>even /lgbt/ is calling them out

>gender: female

Faggots love nintendo, theyre their second highest demographic next to children

Attached: DAD58BE7-579B-4E39-943B-EF31EFF8959F.jpg (768x1024, 247.63K)

Half of the "Ostrich" species aren't even ostriches anyway so why does that matter



If you do not look like Poison get the fuck out.

Attached: 05_newchars01.jpg (1920x1080, 266.98K)

Gotta love how they only have one image, meanwhile Sony has annual pictures with pedophiles grinding elementary schoolers at their parades.

>Mentally ill people act and think in an ass backwards way
No shit.

>being a tranny doesn't hurt anyone
You should have added "else"

Post dodo codes for Redd I need real art

a pizza related map

>gay pride
>being proud of what you do
what kind of achievement deserves such pride, movement and social recognition? rubbing tongues and genitals with people of the same gender as you?

Don't make us take out that anime upskirt picture!

Nintendo is full of faggots now

Do what?

western civilization has overstayed it's welcome
time to go die you fucking dickwads

Never understood how they expect to be taken seriously when they highlight and glorify these minor details in video games made for children

None of them do.