Who else never buying this SJW shit here?
Who else never buying this SJW shit here?
Me, I'm never buying any game post 2008 that has a female lead and is "story driven".
>purposely buying jew propaganda
Why do this to yourself.
she looks fine
If you bought a PS4 at all you're part of the problem
Why did it take major leaks for you to realise it was gonna be sjw shit?
Dude, I don't even have a ps4
Was never going to after that joke ending sequence to the first game. The DLC that existed solely to say "btw Ellie's gay :)" just further cemented that. Had absolutely no interest in 2 at any point whatsoever.
don't even own a piss shit 4 lmfao
didnt buy or play the first one
not going to buy or play this one
same but I would already stop the sentence after 2008
cancelled my preorder
Based and kikepilled
thank you for your service, user
Is there really a tranny in the game?
>Never buy any game post 2008 that has a female lead and is "story driven".
can someone make a Monkey island edit with this?
the most based phrase i heard in a while.
there are a lot of things that are wrong in this webm, but beating women isnt one of them.
So progressive.
You tell me.
I hope this corona shit ends so I can buy this used from GameStop and then return it within the 7 day return policy. But I just know Cuck Fuckman 2ill inject his retard Anita Sarkeesian level stupidity into it. Amy Hennig didn't do this shit because she was intelligent, down to earth, and confident without being pandered to by white knight cucks.
imagine being this insecure
Being insecure means you want to play good games?
what the fuck is this lmaoooo
>bring back characters from the first game in the sequel
>kill them
this is objectively the worst thing you can do when writing fiction.
Neil Cuckman's reckoning . I really hope this fails now. How can one man fuck up such a promising company?
wow i cant wait to play as a trannie who murders both of my favorite characters
by not playing it ? genius
This is an anonymous discussion forum. We can be open here and we don’t need to speak in code.
I won’t be buying this JEWISH shit, no.
>Jew creates a work of art displaying the tranny chad destroying feminist Jewish lesbians.
Fucking based. Maybe Jews aren't so bad after all.
They are the scum of the earth. Stop simping for them.
The first game had a good ending sequence
i never purchased any game that has a female lead ever.
well, actually, one game. Star wars battlefront 2, but i quite literally never once opened campaign. just mutliplayer.
What an old meme
well said user
thank god i stopped being a sony fanboy like 5 years ago.
Do SJWs even like what's known from the leaks? Or are they just pretending?
She didn't kill said Jewish Lesbian. A real Chad would finish the job.
Dear God. That's a... He did it, he finally did it. That mother fucker... I'm not even going to touch this game.
The game is full of SJW bullshit, but also incredibly and unnecessarily brutal... who is the fucking target group supposed to be?
FFS Cuckmann.