2 > 1 > 3

2 > 1 > 3

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>invade on that area gives you a chance to be the phantom summoned by that boss on the fight
This was the best idea they had in the whole soul genre.

Yo we postin knight bosses?

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Whoops, wrong image.

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yeah you're an hipster what else is new
name 10 good bosses from DS2

2 > 3 > BB > 1 > DeS > Sekiro

Very, very based

>2 > 1 >>>>>>> 3


Have any of you guys tried playing some of the bigger mods for the souls games? I tried the Augurs of Darkness for SotfS and I had to quit after ~20 hours because of the dumpster tier encounter designs the dev utilized, a shame because I was looking forward to replaying some of the DLCs, can't stomach that game though
Now I'm playing the cinders mod for 3, it's pretty impressive just how much it adds in terms of weapons/spells. I also enjoy the FP regen basically allowing you to play a full-on caster with no real need for a weapon, really easy but lots of fun

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It was TIGHT as fuck.

BB > Sekiro > DaS1 > DeS > DaS3 >>> DaS2

DaS > DS2 = DS3 = DeS >>>> BB

Dark Souls is the best all around while the other three games each have their own pros and cons to balance them out. Bloodborne is anime garbage a la MHGU/MHW. Sekiro is an entirely different game and shouldn't be compared to other souls games.




best opinion in this thread for now.

Pursuer, chariot, skellies, sentinels, rat sif, velstadt, vendrick, sinh, graverobbers, fume, alonne, ivory king, snow cats

>not overrated piece of shit

I literally regret buying PS4 for this shit. It's fucking shit compared to any other fromsoft title.

>names 1 good boss when asked for 10

>ask for an opinion
>gets an opinion
>whines about it

come on nigger you aren't even trying

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90% of the bosses you listed are factually garbage encounters, there's literal 10 hour long youtube videos proving me right

It’s worth just for the DLC alone. Orphan of Kos, Ludwig and Maria are the magnum opus of FromSoft boss fights.

>there's literal 10 hour long youtube videos proving me right

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Uh, hello? BASED department? Yeah, we've got a case.

ok this is an epic wojak mind if i save it?

Go ahead, it's all yours.

chads in real life have only played dark souls 3 and don't even know that there are 2 other games
cope harder fag


>Zoomers in real life have only played Dark Souls 3 and don't evne know that there are 2 other games

idk if these threads making the hipster claim that ds2 is better than 1 and 3 are troll threads or if OP is actually retarded

ds2 hitboxes were god awful and anybody that perfers the bullshit rng encounters to the other 2 games is an actual mongoloid

speedrunners dont even try to do speedruns of ds2 because there's too much rng involved. it's honestly such a trash game when you compare it to the other 2

>Cites speedruns
Holy zoom-zoom.

not sure what you want me to say, you're right