Hey gamers!

Hey gamers!

Attached: THISWILLBETEAMFORTRESS2GRAPHICSIN2013.jpg (864x540, 55.11K)

what is this?

Is this TF3?

Ported a TF2 sentry into CSGO

My name is Gabe Newell and my favorite class is the Spy.

honestly sounds like kind a of a cool concept, pitting the tf2 mecs against the cs Ct or something like that.




After nine years in development, hopefully it will have been worth the weight.

hory sheet. tf2 source 2 confirmed

Pyro will remain shit tier, heavy might get out ttked by some rifles and the demo would probably dominate.

>CT headshots a heavy 10 times but he lives because it wasn't a sniper rifle

yeah im thinking that would be fun

TF2 Battle royale when?
Come on, it already has the fucking fortnite graphics.

go back

I doubt source can handle that many players.


No no, listen listen.
Fortnite GMOD building and people getting butthurt when Soldier/Demo jumps and dumps before dabbing on jon wick.

do you think it would possible in the future, for videogames to have real snacks in them? iit would be alot more convient than going to the store



I want to play TF2 x Left 4 dead crossover. It would be hella fun to run through the maps and mow down infected as the mercs.

They did this yonks back, just with a smaller player size

Nvidia really stepped it up for PAX China.

Cool idea, but instead of the mercs it's just some random people and then along the game you take the already existent items in TF2 world.

Imagine running around with a Phlog as primary, Ambassador as secondary.

I wouldn't mind making the mercs do the opposite. Imagine the Heavy when he's forced to use tiny man baby gun while the survivors banter with him. Imagine the interactions between Soldier and Bill, I bet their voiceactors would have fun doing the lines.

Could work too.

I'm also thinking that Saxton Hale should do the voice for the arena instead of the Announcer.

>Imagine the interactions between Soldier and Bill, I bet their voiceactors would have fun doing the lines.

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What? Its not like they're doing much these days. What else are they gonna do? Voice dota taunts?

I always had this stupid idea for a 16-32 player Battleroyale thing with TF2 like it has in CS:GO, but with hats actually playing a role.

Players each pick a class, each having their same stats as they do in default TF2. There's no special changes to the class playstyles or anything like that to keep things the same. Everyone would be dropped into a large map styled after Dustbowl so that they blend in a bit. The main thing to note is that they're dropped in with nothing but an all-class melee, no hats too. Classes like Scout, Engie, Soldier, and Sniper don't even have their hats (as basic as some of them are.)

Hats are a primary game play feature. There are colored crates all over that are either for weapons, hats/armor, or a 'special' canteen upgrdae based on how good they are. Brown crates would be basic items, just a stepping stone to good items in the Blue crate. Brown crates would have stuff like the weak stock melee weapons, 'weak' hats/armor like coats or simple hats. Blue crates would have some alright loot, guns and better melee weapons, but still nothing that would be considered great. You'd get stuff like the pistol or Ubersaw from this crate. Purple crates would have actual good loot, metal helmets that would prevent being head shot with a single use like in CS, metal armors or bulkier hats that prevent damage, and special items that would go into your power up canteen. Finally, red crates feature only the best weapons, stock or whatever is considered meta. Rocket launchers, miniguns, etc. Stuff that'd be essential for the class to have.

Depending on what class opens the crate, they'll receive loot based on that class. Body armor/hats would be an all-class cosmetic that had different styles based on how bulky it was.

Call it Badlands Bash or something.

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Don't worry, I get the joke.

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