Bloodborne now running at 60fps with proper frame pacing on PS4 Pro
The mad lad did it
Bloodborne now running at 60fps with proper frame pacing on PS4 Pro
The mad lad did it
Cool can't wait to play it
Neat! Would be cool if someone would patch CA out too.
Chromatic Aberration.
Chromatic Aberration.
oh yea that would be nice
>fixed the frame pacing
HOW? Will Fromsoft hire this man? He made a patch for fucking fun that makes this game perfect
I know this is a mad faggot opinion but I couldn't play bloodborne to completion because of the shottu framerate and ugly chromatic aberration ruining otherwise beautiful art
Eat your slop snoyfags
I almost stopped playing launch day until a fix for the load times, it came out after I finished anyways like a week later but holy fuck something was actually game ruining more than sub 30FPS and CA. The FPS also got slightly better with that patch but obviously that shows how fucking poorly the game launched
No, that's perfectly reasonable.
I can't play Bloodborne for longer than two hours without getting a killer headache.
God I fucking hate CA, literally ruins the game.
I can finally use my hacked ps4pro for something other than collecting dust
Lance is a fucking mad man holy shit
You GPS tags are insufferable, your eyes are going to catch fire and burst if there's slowdown here and there, such fucking children.
remember, its not a videogame, but an interactive movie if it has less than 60 FPS.
Im glad im not an inferior subhuman who cant play a masterpiece without getting a headache or becoming nauseated. Pathetic
Bloodborne already runs at 60FPS on my normal PS4, so this isnt very interesting or groundbreaking at all.
this. listening to some of these pussies whine about something so insignificant is making me cringe at the fact that i have to share the board with these beta males
It physically hurts my eyes, and I still played BB for 150+ hours.
>beat it with like 15 fps in some areas on ps4 slim
>it's taken this long for them to get 60 fps on the pro
I'm actually mad this isn't on pc
>Wow bros I can barely sense things around me imagine just IMAGINE seeing things.
>for them
it's one dude who's just a fan
What the fuck
yea it's there but it's not enough to not make me play this masterpiece. i guarantee you don't own a PS4 even because if you actually did try the game and you were a fan of the Souls series you would actually beat it. you just sound like a little pussy who is sad that there's some broccoli on the plate next to the steak so you won't eat the whole thing
>plays videogame
>gets headache
does it even matter when nobody can play it considering the ps4 homebrew scene has been seemingly dead as fuck for several years
But I've fucking beaten it? Where did I say I didn't?
Fuck off retard.
this like who even owns a modded ps4
pretty much impossible to hack for anyone on the latest version
You fucking haven't SHUT UP
Whatever retard.
I do, get on my level.
sony/from should reach out to the dude and patch the official version of the game
So awesome I literally cannot even look at the screen without barfing if my game does not run at at least 60 FPS. Actually I’m being generous. I will get an abhorrent headache and vertigo if anything even barely brushes below 120 FPS. But alas I will make concessions for this game and take Dramamine before booting it up once this patch is released. Tata.
Would you have to hack your ps4 to do this even if he makes a guide or whatever? I fucking wish they just made a pro patch, it's fucking partially developed by sony japan ffs.
I have not played Bloodborne but wouldn't this game have the same issue that other FROM games have where framerate dictates game speed and it kind of breaks some things?
>some randomguy on the internet did what Sony's engineer's with access to source code and funding couldn't
Honestly how inept game devs are some times astounds me, like the guy who made a patch to fix street fighters netplay. Then again it might not be incompetence but laziness.