Well Yas Forums ? This is your fault

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Oh look more race mixing propaganda

Imagine thinking race mixing is bad.

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I played this game and literally nobody talk or even type.

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Imagine thinking it isn't.

Don't worry, Jett isn't white. She's Korean.

>imagine caring about retarded arbitrary stuff like race
boi it was so good to live in all white europe circa 1890, fukin paradise

lol humanity wouldn't even exist without it.

Do you mix mayonnaise with ketchup you sick fuck!

nobody even uses the voicecom what the fuck?

>Woman speaks
>People point out she's a woman instead of playing the fucking game
>Regardless of how she does, they stammer and sputter on every excuse instead of just ignoring the fact that she's a woman (woman) because they either want titties or just hate women.
>Match turns into a dumpster fire
>Woman turned out to be an actual somebody with a voice in the industry, make Games Journalism articles like this
>Game devs alter their games so they can "prevent" this

I fucking hate everyone on this board that keeps making those "Woman joins guild" threads

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>be an attention whore
>"hey guyz, jsut so ya know i'm a grill"
>simps swarm
>spergs sperg
>game ruined
god how i hate women

Absolute opposite of whats happening you cockbite
>Muh political correctness
Fuck you

I've never seen women harassed in an online multiplayer game. If anything, people were blatantly sucking up to them and trying to act cool for their approval.
People that write these articles are liars.

>throw multiple people at random together and expect them to perform well
And yet the solution is so damn simple...

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Think about the women that's on your team bigot don't just ignore her attention whoring!

Maybe if feminists didn't go out of their way to act like an invasive force and make 'male power fantasies' as a bad thing, males would be less hostile.

>Absolute opposite of whats happening
>be an attention bitchboi
>"hey grills just so ya know i'm a boiii"
>simps swarm
>spergs sperg
>game ruined
aaaaaah, now i get it

It's pretty funny how the NPC left were hit so hard by this meme they had to steal it. lol.

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Yeah it was better than any other part of the world pretty much.

>all those articles and twitter bloggers in the early 2010s were just your imagination


ohhh... Thank god!

>dying out of hunger and work-related incident and/or war
>dying out of hunger and work-related incident and/or war
life of 99% of people was miserable and sucked regardless of place on earth, and your avg industrial worker wasn't that much smarter then a nigger or chink, if at all

>100 out of 1 trillion people
>half are click bait to get views from triggered incels

Nice goalpost moving, nigger.

>never played with a random girl online
feels good

Women can only push men to far. There is a rapidly coming breaking point where men just say enough is enough and remove all women's rights and they are took weak to prevent this. What are they going to do take up arms? I did my time in the army I have seen women trying to handle machine guns. They can hardly lift it let alone fire it and when they do...well holy fuck talk about Kermit the frog tier flailing about. They are an absolute joke thats only redeeming feature is some of them are cute. If they want to continue having rights they need to know their place.

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>Be Roman Gladiator
>Others cussing me out and calling me a faggot
>Fucking toxic

>Be a boxer in Industrial Revolution Britain
>Asshole taunts me with profanity
>How toxic

>Be a baseball player in the 1920's
>Enemy team is jeering at me to miss

>Be playing dodgeball in grade 5
>Last one because I am a fucking wimp and wasn't picked and forced on a team and they know I can't aim
>Enemy team taunts me to hit them

>Log into a video game
>People jeer at me for sucking
>Fucking Toxic

How do these people live? I played dolls with my sisters when they were 5 and they acted like toxic cunts.

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No, yea. I agree. The push for less games that males would like in the AAA industry was pure imagination.

You know it wouldn't be like that if there was no reason.
Absolutely no stereotype starts from nothing. They all had reasons to begin to exist.

>woman speaks
this isn't needed to play video games. She only has herself to blame for being an attention fag.

Why are you so upset? Yas Forums has been like this forever. If you think Yas Forums is a containment board but Yas Forums isn't you are a massive newfag.

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what did they mean by this?

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Imagine installing a rootkit in your computer.

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Literal spyware

Guess you're an attention whore for making callouts with your voice

Some bullshit PR talk to make you believe that a malware is not that bad.

>played the first week of beta and it was mostly streamers and lucky kids that got the key. Everyone had mics+no toxicity.
>Played this game today, all games were like League but with voice On ,that is if theres even a guy using his mic.
Im a grown ass man and I have to counter trash talk with no reason to begin with, cant imagine wymin lmao.

>life of 99% of people was miserable and sucked regardless of place on earth
Hole cope.

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You are when pinging exists. It literally exists to eliminate the need for actual talking.

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just become a male lmao

You okay user?

Did you miss the word "propaganda"?
race mixing has been happening naturally since the beginning of time, but you are a total bootlick if you can't see the increasing propaganda push for the last 15 to 20 years

>repressed autistic virgins go apeshit as soon they find out they're having contact with any remotely woman-like human being

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good. women should know their place: IN THE KITCHEN

Pretty sure he's against race mixing though.

Just like Snowflake being a word to describe the right as well?

>an age where everyone can make games
>increase in female protags
Are gaymers really this dumb?

Are you retarded

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You doing okay user?

>technology bad
stop talking already

Youve never played a shooter outside of apex

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When is a game like this going to let us customize our own heroes?

women are literally children, and this is the reason people give them shit.

>Guess you're an attention whore for making callouts with your voice

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Why are you calling out for help instead of winning?
If you just win and keep the focus on winning you won't worry about talking to people.
You'll be winning instead.

Why are females such lying cancer? Men are """harassed""" much much more than females online, yet it's almost only ever females crying about it like they get literally raped every game.

And in every instance it will be less effective than voice chat.

Lmao why do you think every esports team uses comms? It'd be fucking retarded to think pings>voice chat.

t. retard who doesn't know what callouts mean.

>Lose an argument
>B-better break out the w-wojak!


When are you moving to a favela in Brazil to experience the glorious racemixed future.

I don't. I don't play casual online games.

Lmao a call outs leas to victory a majority of the time. Just look at an all text chat League team vs an all voice chat League team.

I unironically do it. It’s pretty nice.

So you admit to having no knowledge and yet try to act knowledgeable?