Are you faggots seriously praising this game just because the sequel is shit?

are you faggots seriously praising this game just because the sequel is shit?
can we fucking stop doing this shit with every single sequel that gets released?

Attached: tlou.jpg (550x633, 93.89K)

It's an 8, maybe a 9

out of 100, yeah

>popular bad!

I watched it on youtube and thought it was a good movie. No way I'd pay full price for it

Nobody praised fucking dad simulator when it was released outside of game journos, everyone on Yas Forums saw it as movie faggotry outside of so(y)nyfags.
Fucking lurk before you post

The gameplay is fun too

that's what I'm saying retard
I mean that there are threads NOW defending it because of the leaks

it's always like this, a new game comes out and people will start praising the previous one with posts like 'it wasn't that bad', 'it still had soul', 'can we all agree this was kino' ect


It's the way of Yas Forums.
I dont know why these non-gaming manchildren think this way.

Anyways, as a fan of TLOU, the campaign was a good 7. But the multiplayer is what kept me playing ever since PS3. I love it.

>But the multiplayer is what kept me playing ever since PS3. I love it.
I think this destroys the "movie game" argument

Literally nobody has ever said that outside of die hard so(y)nyfags, maybe lurk Yas Forums for longer than a few years you fucking idiot.

Game was shit. Generic zombie story with cliche "omg might be immune". Game play lacking and boring as fuck.

TLOU is being praised because it is actually a good game.

That said, stop whining, faggot.

>Game play lacking and boring as fuck.
Is that why the multiplayer has a dedicated fanbase?

Suck my dick. I've been defending this game since I played it a year or two ago and enjoyed it. I'm not a hipster fuck who changes my mind because of what the crowd thinks.

It's shit.

I'll disregard critic reviews sometimes, but when the player and critic reviews are overwhelmingly positive, it's hard to deny that the game's just generally good. I give it an 8.

It's a fine game, gameplay and story are nothing special but it's entertaining enough for a playthrough
It came out at just the right time before progressivism started infecting everything

I think there's an argument to be made that's it's overrated, but I agree with this

>are you faggots
No and that's disrespectful language.

I've never praised it. It's one of the most overrated games of last gen. Yet another super serial fucking zombie story this time with tacked on mediocre gameplay.

>shit bad!

>play uncharted 4
>wow not another climbing section
>please no not another push down ladder for npc to climb
>please no more push box to climb sections
>finish, hate every part that's not shooting
>tlou goes 'free'
>play it
>1 hour in
>walk and talk
>walk and talk
>walk and talk
>see another npc ladder puzzle
I really want to like these games and I'm very much into movies but this is boring as fuck,

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You're retarded and a newfag. I was here when the game came out, Yas Forums creamed its collective jeans for this movie

>with tacked on mediocre gameplay
Yeah, the gameplay is so tacked on and mediocre that the multiplayer still has players to this day

>the last of us
choose one

>people play the game
>that MUST mean it's so fucking good

Then by that metric CoD and Fortnite are the penultimate gaming experience of our generation.

>multiplayer mode still gets played
>"no gameplay, gameplay bad!"

Attached: retard.jpg (480x360, 18.29K)

Say what you want about the gameplay or the zombie trope, but the story and acting is top notch. Notable moments:
>Joels interrogation
>You are not my daughter
>Tess dies
>Henry and Sam die
>ellie kills David

>comparing an annual franchise and a game that has constant updates to a multiplayer that's been untouched since it released
Ok retard

There are a few stand out levels in tlou that the gameplay stands out, the hotel level and hospital level are the best parts about the game

A bunch of incels mad cause they're surrogate stand-in videogame father got killed by some split-dick tranny lmao.

>>Tess dies
Didn't give a fuck about that cunt. Rest were good though