Will this be the best rpg released in 2020?

Will this be the best rpg released in 2020?

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No. It will be a disappointing sequel because it will never be able to live up to the hype and expectations from the original. Games like the original will never be made again. It's a different age.

Give it a fucking rest already.


It'll be fucking terrible, a mockery of the genre and the franchise. Absolutely horrible in every single way.
And the fact that it'll still be the best rpg released in 2020 says everything you need to know about the state of vidya.

Not based on 90's era so no. It's based on today's cringe female empowerment culture of the west coast.

I'd be completely blown away if this game is even slightly better than average, and slightly better than average is a dumpster game compared to the original.

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will this be the best bbc released in 2020?

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> Games like the original will never be made again. It's a different age.
You mean janky as fuck unfinished games that require a fan patch to play? If the original VTMB was released today it would be torn a new asshole by literally everyone.

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>no playable nosferatu
>no playable gangrel

it will be the worst, and Yas Forums for once will be right with all the seething threads. bloodlines was lightning in a bottle. you can't recreate that

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It's not getting released in 2020

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Why would you ever want to play as some ugly fuck who has to walk through tedious sewer loading screens to get anywhere or some cringe anarch furry race

Lasombra is what's really missing

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Both of these were shit in VTMB1

>If the original VTMB was released today it would be torn a new asshole
What the fuck type of statement is that? Welcome to 2004 western RPGs, they were all fucking janky. But guess what? The positives outweighed the negatives by a mile, and that's why it's talked about 16 years later.

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So wretched it's beyond cringe.

>Will this be the best rpg released in 2020?
It's not even an RPG. They dropped all the RPG elements from the original game. You can't even store guns/bullets in your inventory anymore, your character just throws them away when they're out of ammo.

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What the fuck is this?
You mean Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, the second game in the Masquerade series in which Redemption was the first game?

Redemption wasn't called bloodlines

Has she broken up any other developer marriages in the process?

>What the fuck type of statement is that? Welcome to 2004 western RPGs, they were all fucking janky.
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic was made on the same engine as Bloodlines and has fantastic gameplay.

Dumb zoomer.

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Bloodlines was the sub title of the game.

Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines
Vampire the Masquerade: (new title)

See how a game series work? Only a complete fucking fishbrain would make a sequel based on the second game in an ongoing series.

>Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire II

>combat is even worse than BL1

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>Only a complete fucking fishbrain would make a sequel based on the second game in an ongoing series.

Need a ride and a lecture on the gender spectrum?

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yeah that would be stupid no one does that
oh wait
>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2

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>the hype and expectations from the original.
Only a cuck have expectations from this one. And regardless, the main audience for this game is people who never played the original.

this actually looks good though

Select gender:
48 options....

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The guts you need to release something like this in 2020.



>Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Released 2 years later, much larger team, and a story that no one fuckin' remembers.
I can to this day remember every character and quest. You're totally right that Bloodlines got booty combat, i'm not denying that, but it's the atmosphere and the characters that made it exceptional, even today.

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can you imagine being Brian and having to work with someone like that when you're trying to write kino.

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t. brainlet retard

>okay so heres the deal
>theres only 2 genders, thatll be 6.50