>playing video games without alcohol/drugs
How do you guys do it?
Playing video games without alcohol/drugs
By playing games that are fun and that I enjoy?
First step is to start the game. Then you just play it.
If I drink I just tend to watch Asian girls eating a lot on youtube
Look at this pathetic shell of a human using vice to get through the day. Toughen up, son.
Drink stuff that lifts you up rather than drags you down.
I think this has a lot to do with it. My tastes in vidya has grown stricter with age, but even with games I genuinely enjoy, I'm always thinking "this could be infinitely better if I was inebriated."
>that one channel of the thing Nip eating tons of junk food everyday
It makes me a bit sad, actually.
Not to get through the day, user. To enjoy vidya.
desensitize yourself until vidya is the only thing you have left
its not worth it unless youre playing competitively and need better clarity and reflexes.
I factor coffee into "drugs. Although it helps, after a while, my ADHD kicks in and I get distracted or go jerk off.
Alcohol makes me better at FPSes because I stop overthinking things and rely purely on reaction. This only works up to a certain level of drunkenness, of course.
By not damaging my brain with such things.
When did I say that? I just find it hard to enjoy games sober.
i just can't drink or do drugs in general, so i don't
there are some pretty bad interactions with antidepressants mang
imagine being so addicted to a substance that you can't even enjoy playing video game without it
i feel bad for drug and alcohol users
>Alcohol makes me better at FPSes because I stop overthinking things and rely purely on reaction. This only works up to a certain level of drunkenness, of course.
this is true for me also t bh. makes me more confident in my tactics too but yea after a certain point i get sloppy
The projecting is off the charts.
>don't do any of those
>h-hes projecting
I’m not even him but how the fuck is ghat projecting you fuck
>implying Yas Forums isn't full of fat, depressed losers telling others to shape up in an effort to make themselves feel better
vidya is his drug
>tfw depression everyday
>let's change my life
>learn an instrument
>go to the gym
>still have depression after all that
I wouldn't say it doesn't help but it's bs to say it will go away.
now this is projecting!
why do i feel like people in the 90s said the same thing
>be depressed/anxious
>get fit
>engage in hobbies (other than vidya)
>even write a freaking book
>get married
>planning on having kids
>wife adores me
>still constantly fretting about little shit that sends me into a downward spiral
I've at least gotten better at hiding my episodes. Have to if I want to raise a family.
>play vydia everyday
>drink water and eat well
>don't do much workout but still try
>learning how to cook
>having friends to play with me
>not even depressed i just enjoy playing video games
If you want to raise a family you can’t hide your episodes, you have to actively deal with them.
Yet you are still a pathetic weeb. Curious!
That's what my issue is, I think. I have no one to play with or talk about games with. Every time I try and join a group, it's full of pasty white voice overreacting like they're a streamer or trying to start drama because they have no social life irl and want to replicate all the shit they missed out on in high school.
I deal with it by hiding it. Any other method would A)take too long or B)be inconvenient for my spouse.
You are conditioning yourself to only enjoy games while drunk. I hope you realize the dangers of such behavior.
You guys don't find it strange that the only study on vaccines causing brain inflammation in babies and children were covered by 2 Australian jews and only that 1 study which they both got an award for?
you guys still believe vaccines don't cause autism
You should find some way to deal with it that doesn't involve suppressing them from your family. Whenever I try, it always ends up slipping out, and usually much worse than if I hadn't tried. Your spouse should be willing to emotionally support you some when you're going through those episodes - if not, then it's probably a sign you shouldn't have kids.
but i am happy user!
that's the important part!
knowing people who have a hard time dealing with making friends i can understand your point user but you should try if you really care about it
remember that what matters is what is important to you