Playing video games without alcohol/drugs

>playing video games without alcohol/drugs
How do you guys do it?

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By playing games that are fun and that I enjoy?

First step is to start the game. Then you just play it.

If I drink I just tend to watch Asian girls eating a lot on youtube

Look at this pathetic shell of a human using vice to get through the day. Toughen up, son.

Drink stuff that lifts you up rather than drags you down.

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I think this has a lot to do with it. My tastes in vidya has grown stricter with age, but even with games I genuinely enjoy, I'm always thinking "this could be infinitely better if I was inebriated."

>that one channel of the thing Nip eating tons of junk food everyday
It makes me a bit sad, actually.

Not to get through the day, user. To enjoy vidya.

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desensitize yourself until vidya is the only thing you have left

its not worth it unless youre playing competitively and need better clarity and reflexes.

I factor coffee into "drugs. Although it helps, after a while, my ADHD kicks in and I get distracted or go jerk off.

Alcohol makes me better at FPSes because I stop overthinking things and rely purely on reaction. This only works up to a certain level of drunkenness, of course.


By not damaging my brain with such things.

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When did I say that? I just find it hard to enjoy games sober.

i just can't drink or do drugs in general, so i don't
there are some pretty bad interactions with antidepressants mang

imagine being so addicted to a substance that you can't even enjoy playing video game without it
i feel bad for drug and alcohol users

>Alcohol makes me better at FPSes because I stop overthinking things and rely purely on reaction. This only works up to a certain level of drunkenness, of course.
this is true for me also t bh. makes me more confident in my tactics too but yea after a certain point i get sloppy

The projecting is off the charts.

>don't do any of those
>h-hes projecting

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I’m not even him but how the fuck is ghat projecting you fuck

>implying Yas Forums isn't full of fat, depressed losers telling others to shape up in an effort to make themselves feel better

vidya is his drug

>tfw depression everyday
>let's change my life
>learn an instrument
>go to the gym
>still have depression after all that
I wouldn't say it doesn't help but it's bs to say it will go away.

now this is projecting!

why do i feel like people in the 90s said the same thing

>be depressed/anxious
>get fit
>engage in hobbies (other than vidya)
>even write a freaking book
>get married
>planning on having kids
>wife adores me
>still constantly fretting about little shit that sends me into a downward spiral
I've at least gotten better at hiding my episodes. Have to if I want to raise a family.

>play vydia everyday
>drink water and eat well
>don't do much workout but still try
>learning how to cook
>having friends to play with me
>not even depressed i just enjoy playing video games

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If you want to raise a family you can’t hide your episodes, you have to actively deal with them.

Yet you are still a pathetic weeb. Curious!

That's what my issue is, I think. I have no one to play with or talk about games with. Every time I try and join a group, it's full of pasty white voice overreacting like they're a streamer or trying to start drama because they have no social life irl and want to replicate all the shit they missed out on in high school.

I deal with it by hiding it. Any other method would A)take too long or B)be inconvenient for my spouse.

You are conditioning yourself to only enjoy games while drunk. I hope you realize the dangers of such behavior.

You guys don't find it strange that the only study on vaccines causing brain inflammation in babies and children were covered by 2 Australian jews and only that 1 study which they both got an award for?

you guys still believe vaccines don't cause autism

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You should find some way to deal with it that doesn't involve suppressing them from your family. Whenever I try, it always ends up slipping out, and usually much worse than if I hadn't tried. Your spouse should be willing to emotionally support you some when you're going through those episodes - if not, then it's probably a sign you shouldn't have kids.

but i am happy user!
that's the important part!

knowing people who have a hard time dealing with making friends i can understand your point user but you should try if you really care about it
remember that what matters is what is important to you

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