Russia BAD

Russia BAD

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>Dude what if we project American war crimes onto the Russians lmao
>Dude soldiers are always 100% in the right, if you have a gun in your hand that means you are morally righteous lmao

Call of Duty was always action movie tripe but the original MW trilogy was at least somewhat thoughtful, Nu-CoD is right wing jingoistic tripe


Personally I just wanted the Americans and Russians to fight the rebels

It's been 6 months since the game released. Can you guys get over it.

> Muh warcrimes

Name 6 war games that don't do this. Hardmode: No Soviet games

>the russians really fucking suck
>form armistice with them anyway

they got the most beautiful girls though.

That's correct!

>Nu-CoD is right wing jingoistic tripe
The fuck...the whole thing was a left wing
circlejerk over second guessing everything a soldier does...did we play the same game?

Don't most games you fight ultranationalist or Soviets not regular Russians. Hell during MW1 you fight with Russian Loyalists.

america BAD
3rd world dictatorships GOOD

God Syria and Bashar, you fucking neo-con faggots.

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Remember the part where the main characters attack Russia but go "we'll act like we're freedom fighters no biggy" then everything worked out totally fine. Man that was fucking stupid.

Also this game was made by pussies if they really wanted to have balls they should have let you shoot that dude's wife and kid.

mgs 1, 2, 3, 4, spec ops the line, Call of duty black ops, call of duty waw

This but unironically

> Call of Duty Black Ops
But you still fight the Soviets.

This post was brought to you be the Mugabe gang

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2 i mean, idk why i call black ops 1 cod vietnam

It's weird how it works. Dragovich is basically equivalent to Makarov in how they both lead like some fucking crazy factions.
But Reznov, a russian, isn't an antagonist.

Dragovich... Kravchenko... Steiner... All must die.

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You don't care.
Also they're right.
Stay mad.

Yes, Russia bad. They've been bad for a long time and never stopped.

>Criticism by players focused on a certain level in the campaign, in which it is revealed that Russian forces previously carried out an attack on an area dubbed the "highway of death", killing many civilians who had been departing a town that was under siege. The real-life Highway of Death is a highway located between Kuwait and Iraq that suffered devastation as a result of an attack led by American forces during the Gulf War in 1991

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The Numbers Mason!

what are your thoughts on charly?

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Imagine taking a tactical whiff mid-firefight

>liking 3rd world dictatorships
>not liking America
That's like saying you love cake but hate bakers.

>My name is Viktor Reznov and I Will. HAVE. MY REVENGE.
Dude literally just wanted Justice.

shooting a guy point-blank right in front of his family is still brutal

Heh heh, uhhhh

There is no good coom material in cod, charlie is a fucking ugly milf, that french asian woman is ugly too, mara is the only good choice but they nerfed her face for whatever reason, so idc about female operators, i like playing as thorne tho his accent and comments is good

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Reason why I never played its campaign. Literal ZOG propaganda.

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Found the Yas Forumstards