Choose one, the other two disappear forever

Choose one, the other two disappear forever.

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PS2 since honestly it had the best and most memorable titles.


I like all three of those systems, I really do, but the PS2 has one of the best libraries in the history of video games. There are so fucking many good PS2 games, you'll never run out of them.

The Gamecube and Xbox have a handful of really excellent games each but the PS2 just has a shitzillion of them.

Fuck niggerstation and fuck the kiddiecube

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There isn't a bad console from the 6th gen, but in the grand scheme of things, GCN and Xbox really are just neutered PS2s.

The console industry would've been in a better place if paid online wasn't a fucking thing.


Oh shit I misread.
Keep PS2, fuck the rest.


PS2 was pleb tier garbage and GameCube was just a detector for a future child molester...

Xbox. PS2 disappearing mean Dreamcast survives.

Ok weird controller faggot

The Xbox exists because of close contact with Sega.

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I have lived my whole life without playing any of these systems and I feel great about it

Tough call, but gotta go with OGBOX. No Ninja Gaiden reboot would make me the saddest.

Legitimately plebian.

The Xbox was in development before the Dreamcast came out.

would the games continue to live on for example would a windwaker HD or twilight princess wii/HD still exist?

Thankfully no.

>pick ps2
>smashniggers eat dirt
>god hand lives on

>pick ps2
>every game is just a worse version of the same game on the xbox

Xbox, it was the best of the three, objectively. That being said the 360 had major problems (red ring) and the xbone was the worst system I've ever owned.

ps2 or xbox

a lot of good games will be lost, that is for sure, but at least there is hope that choosing it tranny and gay shit is prevented.

PS2. Easiest choice ever.

PS2, it's the best selling console of all time.

Years later and people are still buttfucked about the Dreamcast and somehow blame Sony for it despite the fact that it was Sega themselves who brought about their own demise.

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Yeah, people seem to think the Dreamcast failed. It didn't, it was doing very well and on track to be very successful. Keep in mind it was on the market for like 3 years and it got almost as many games as the Gamecube. It was set for success....if Sega didn't run out of money, but they did. Sega had 10 years of bad decisions catching up to them.

Why did SEGA stop making consoles again?

They ran out of money.

As opposed to paying for a LAN adapter just to play the 5 PS2 games with online or having literally no online at all with the Gamecube? Ok retard. Sony and Nintendo, to this day, in 2020, still can't even implement a decent netcode infrastructure, AND they're charging you for it. Xbox at least had decent netcode and service to back it up, what the fuck did Sony and Nintendo do to up their service?
>NES/SNES games everyone can play for free
>Charging for PS+, RAISING the price, and making the free PS+ games shittier
>A fucking smartphone app
>Literally 0 dollars spent improving servers to justify it

Lots of PS2 games had online play and they were popular too.

PS2 easily.

Tough choice between gamecube or ps2
gamecube had metroid prime and prime 2
ps2 had shadow of the colossus and phantasy star
halo, morrowind, and kotor were better on the pc anyways, I'm sure republic commando would have been even better if it were pc only

Have to go with the gamecube since sotc and phantasy star would have been fine if they were made for it but metroid prime on the ps2 or pc just wouldn't work

Missing out on a few hundred PS2 games there m8

Looks like somebody hasn’t played Hot Pursuit 2

then I guess they weren't worth remembering

Can't remember what you don't know.