Was he legitmately a good character or what merely seemed superficially cool in the late 90's early 2000's?

Was he legitmately a good character or what merely seemed superficially cool in the late 90's early 2000's?

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i don't know but this was his best design

snek coool jajajajaja
i rmemeber childhood
me little
snek coooooool

hes pretty cool

he was a fucking fucking based character with a based as fuck VA, along with this being his best design, and its not pure 90's trash design this whole costume for him was fucking BASED

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>super soldier who speaks 6 languages and defeated the man who introduced the modern era of warfare to the world

Yeah, pretty interesting

the coolest

Dude who killed his own mother during WWII. Yeah, pretty cool character... but at least he says "discusting" funny when he eats something nasty.

>Did not fuck Meryl
>Lost Meryl to a guy who shits his pants

"He is a robot" - Kojima

he is a good character, genuinely the only one I actually see as a living person

Cliche action hero. Enjoyable, but anyone who makes him out to be more than that is huffing Kojima's farts.

He actually was. He realized the futility of his struggles with there being no point, and kept struggling outside the system regardless of there being no point, and managed to do enough of a dent anyway to bring the whole system down.

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MGS4 implied they were in a relationship for some time

Jesus fucking christ, Snake is not Big Boss. You're talking about Big Boss. Snake is the guy in the OP pic, Big Boss is the one who killed his mother figure, dummyhead during WWII.

I blame the BB games (see pic related) for trying to make him an iteration of Snake as protagonist when it was only okay for Snake Eater. Fucking legacy character trope must die.

He's literally only Snake after Snake Eater up until TPP because "series must have muh formula because I say so!" It's like he smelled the farts that MGS2 was criticizing... on purpose? Fuck who knows what went on in his mind.

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Wow... so there actually was a point all along... Based storytelling Kojima. Flawless character writing.

>does standing backflips to avoid sniper fire
>jumps off a missile in mid-air
He's basically Dante before anyone knew what cool really was, baby.

He's no hero. Never was. Never will be.

After all has been done and said, it's conflicting.

The games where you play as him in his prime are old relics where he is basically Rambo.
Then he becomes a glorified idea and the game makes fun of people who liked him because he was only a war machine disguised as a cool guy.
And finally, he becomes a a senile old fart who managed to overcome all odds and free the world at the cost of shattering everything he believed in and undergoing extreme physical abuse.

There are a bunch of very cool ideas going on with Snake, overall, I feel fond of him, but it's hard to think about MGS when its author and its company decided to burn it all because of drama, greed and ego.

Twin Snakes isn't canon.

It's to confuse the mass public (who has likely never heard of Metal Gear beyond "durr Snake. uh, epic action hero, stealthy... keptcha waiting ha") into thinking he's a hero instead of the war criminal he truly is, much like how the mass public in MGS4 mistakenly recognizes him as a hero instead of a war criminal.

Also, marketing. Nuff said.

Not canon other than Naomi not having the accent in MGS4.

BB doesn't kill Boss in WW2 dumbass you obviously know fuck all about the games

MGS4 states that true good is letting the world be, and that true bad is NOT letting the world be.
This series is so dumb but I still play it because it rocks at the same time.

He was always based and always will be

During the cold war*
Not my fault i just literally copy pasted what user said out of force of habit.

>character is Libertarian
>call him SNEK

Twin Snakes is the story of MGS1 as Otacon remembers it.

Snake is a much, much, MUCH better character than Big Boss despite not being a real human
Shame he only has two games focused on him while Big Boss got four prequels

>not being a real human
lmao shut the fuck up

the guy in your pic is one of the Snakes too, Venom Snake. BB is the only one to lose the Snake codename

holy shit you're an idiot.

He probably meant that he's literally engineered.


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First off
>Venom never had the Snake codename. No one calls Big Boss's phantom "Snake" in Metal Gear 1, and Venom is just a nickname while Punished is not even an existing Snake codename because it's never in the story aside from the opening captions that play when you go on a mission.
>That's a nice troll. I don't believe your VR theory

Kojima is a retard.
Solid Snake is a real human, it's just that he is like a big boss twin that shares 100% of dna

This along with Liquid being mad at Solid for having the "dominant" genes makes me realize Kojima must have been a high school dropout with no notion of biology whatsoever.

>based VA
David Hayter is a liberal anti-gun cuck. The most based thing Kojima did was cut him out.

>Venom is just a nickname
>Punished is not even an existing Snake codename because it's never in the story aside from the opening captions that play when you go on a mission
You unironically have a point. Every single playthrough I have never heard of "Punished Snake."

Is Kojima completely fucking insane? Wasn't a major plot point in the games about Snake realizing he was his own man and didn't have to be a soldier if he didn't want to? Big Boss literally told him that at the end.