Attached: 1587057025231.png (1920x1080, 2.12M)

god she's such a strong female role model


Attached: scarlett - big girl.webm (622x388, 1.33M)

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We just had this thread. Why did you make it again?

Attached: eeeears.jpg (700x670, 70.16K)

She looks like someone who's way older than she appears desperately trying to look at least 10 years younger.

Madam M is better

If she is able to keep her looks up that age, she is good genetic stock.

Attached: scarlett is peak female.jpg (909x1080, 226.07K)

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>40 years old


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remake is on track to having the most amount of gorgeous women in any vidya to date

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Play less CoD, user

She has kids?

heere we go
she's in her 60s

Attached: v12 correction.jpg (2480x3508, 2.6M)

> blonde, aging white women with huge tits

Man, brings me back to my days fapping to Wifey and Claudia Marie videos.

honestly it's a low bar

How old is Reeves?

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You guys see Scarlet here and you think she is a woman? Like huge fake bonkers, angular jaw, taller than most men, gaudy red dress...
She is so very clearly a drag queen I dont know if you are joking with her being hot

>still no porn animations with her
what went wrong

Attached: 1586606485135.webm (1920x1080, 1.09M)

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>Day 18 of no Tifa/Aerith/Scarlett models
>Models extracted,only shared among a small group


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Yas Forums is tsundere for trannies.

that one vampire lady from VtMB2

>he's never seen an old cougar with thin skin and fat tits that wears too much makeup because she's trying too hard

>cock and ball torture

she looks like a Japanese man in drag except for the tits

Attached: 1585466158161.jpg (412x392, 46.22K)

I had a FEMALE classmate that looked exactly like her except considerably flatter

your eyes are fucked

I went to HS with a girl like that: blonde, tall, big tits, a bitch.

She just had a long nose even though she wasn't a jew so guys didn't weren't into her.

>Cloud after a year of HRT

Dude, remove her balloons and put her in a black suit and Scarlet would be the manliest character in the game

>women can't be ugly, if they are they had to be men before
Imagine being this stupid.

Attached: EWYoMZlXkAAipQM.jpg (1647x2048, 280.86K)

you tranny obsessed retards are the worst

Attached: Sakura-Oogami-dangan-ronpa-girls-37539800-500-500.jpg (500x500, 217K)

Yas Forums anons prove to be faggots as per usual

Norm put it pretty well in his book. There's a certain level of trying too hard to be sexy that's only done by trannies.

Context? Did she get mad or what?

>Like huge fake bonkers, angular jaw, taller than most men, gaudy red dress...
Yes user, that's what overly vain women do to themselves. It's called cosmetic surgery.

Attached: freya.jpg (1920x1181, 481.49K)

if you think a tranny can ever be more desperate for sex-appeal than a burnt-out cougar in her late 40s you haven't met a cougar before

Legit milfs or Christmas Cakes as well?

I want a woman like this so bad it hurts.

Attached: 1573657117776.gif (640x640, 2.14M)

this is a game where all the women look like korean plastic supermodels or pop stars
if you even slightly add an angle to any jaw they are automatically more manly looking than the rest, the scale we're grading on here is all fucked up

Attached: 3b4.jpg (680x825, 99.94K)



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Pic of nose


I prefer someone who gives a good head.

>thought helena was in her late 30's when i first saw her
>she's fucking 23
fucking nips man.

But that image is missing one thing:

That she has to be a real biological woman.

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Attached: 1553631893841.webm (1920x1080, 1.36M)

I just want a nice girl to cook stuff with, watch movies and play vidya with, and hang out with.

I wanna pick that rabbit up by the ears and toss it into a wall.


sorry to burst your bubble but thats a man with tits

Attached: ok.jpg (207x464, 43.84K)



You arent going to find one here, mate
Just saying

misworded, it's just big not necessarily long

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I unironically hope you enjoy staying virgins for the rest of your lives, which will very probably end via suicide.


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