How do you feel about savescumming?

how do you feel about savescumming?

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Can someone explain to me what savescumming is? I've heard the word before but I don't want to search for it.

reloading a save when something doesn't go right

It's a single player game. People can do whatever the fuck they want to enjoy the game more. The only time it matters is if they're bragging about beating the game while doing it.

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Isn't it the point with being able to save to reload when something doesn't go right?

I made a separate save for the werewolf and vampire trophies in skyrim and I don't give a SHIT.

Why not just say reloading a save? Are you really saving that much more time.

why is every face on that die the same

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Look at the number. Now look at how many faces you see.

Healing crystals
The jewish people actually came from space
CIA vs Grey vs Spanish woman controlling magical ancient space ship
Hollow earth
Jesus was an alien

i thought about that but it seemed really stupid

That's very fair, and right.

I do it but I try not to. when I start a fresh game, i savescum ever 2 minutes, but eventually once you get the hang of the game, it should theoretically be easier to manage the game and work with the mechanics so I almost totally stop using it by then. In fact most people do.

Presumably because the video is about save scumming.

If the devs included it, it was made to be used and abused, you also have games like nu-XCOM that seed rng so savescumming doesn't work

Fuck you I'mma mash quicksave whenever I can. No more of this Dark Souls no pause, respawn point only shit.

Shit user, you got a newsletter or something?

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Scumming is distinct from saving because you save immediately before an important outcome, such as say a random 1 in 50 chance of something happening that is rolled when it happens rather than at some prior point.
Then you do the thing.
If you don't hit the 1 in 50, you reload.
If you hit the 1 in 50, you save immediate and move on to whatever next.
It's also semi-prevalent in some Rogue-likes/lites. A simple example is Binding of Isaac Rebirth (not as easy anymore, but still possibly if you go about it a roundabout way)
>In an old version of the game, your progress was saved at the start of every floor and every time you exit to menu
>If you die, you lose the run
>But if you die and exit to menu before you get the death screen, you could actually continue the run from the start of the floor
>This is a form of save scumming because you are abusing the save mechanism to effectively cheat the system
>This has since been patched

imagine this you are playing donkey kong country and you are going to start a mineart segment so you make a savestate , you miss a jump and you savescum and suddenly you are a nazi

i assume this is arguing against autosave only?

Savescum if you don't want to deal with failing and sometimes stupid moments. Don't do it if you want a challeng/intended experience. Who the fuck cares what some random basket shittter does a continent away.

Games that are heavily RNG reliant like that can fuck right off anyway.
Also a proper roguelike won't let you save at all except to resume the game at a later time.

It's metagaming. I find that when I savescum it gives me the same feeling as cheating, thus I don't find it satisfying.

Fuck you, Fire Emblem isn't fun if I have to do the same parts over and over again until I finally get lucky.

The same way about nazis in games

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No. Savescamming only happens in partuclar times when reloading isn't neccesary but you still do it in order to gain something. For example saving before a test check that has % of failing or before a dialog with a character and the reloading in order to get better results.

Autosaves usually indicate that reloading a game will be neccesary. For example autosave in action games before some tough boss battle.

If you're not going to include a quicksave button in your game you better be damn sure that it would be a detriment to the game.
There are too many times where I have dropped games because I get set back to a checkpoint and lose hours of progress

Either play rougelike or any game with iron mode (and competent one where it actually save every time something happens so you can't load an earlier game by Alt+F4)

I need to stop myself from savescumming relentlessly, I think I have way less fun when I know there's nothing on the line when I do something. Technically speaking, it's not cheating, but it practically serves the same purpose of putting a safety blanket underneath you.

git gud

It’s my fucking game let me do what I want

alright just don't pretend you actually played the game properly

If you can't play a game without savescumming then do something else like maybe start collecting stamps or coins

>Include a feature and use it

Only care if someone wants to brag about beating a game only to be able to do it by savescumming.
If you're gonna brag, do it right.

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I recently played the 1993 doom for the first time, got through the entire game without saving during a level, then I reached Thy Flesh Consumed and the leap in difficulty was so comically massive that I had no choice but to save scum the entire way through.

Felt bad desu

savescumming is never an intended feature

dark souls isn't like that because it never requires you to run through the level the exact same way twice
when you die you keep your items and can run through the stage as you please

Savescumming only works in trash games that don't require skill to beat anyway.

Then remove any saves except at spawn points or chapter beginnings?

Savescamming in video games is like "instant clickable objects reveal" and "tips" in modern adventure games. They pretty much defeat the purpose of entire point & click adventure games genre. You SUPPOSE to discover and click on objects that make sense and YEAH looking for an needle in a haystack like its some Where is Waldo shit is also part of the gameplay.