>this dropped
>no threads
This dropped
seeing this reminds me back when devs could make fun games like this.
Yas Forums are full of a bunch of uncultured newfag zoomer tourists that don't even know what this is so I am not suprised
>this dropped
>releases in July
OP is a retard
He meant the trailer, fellow 60IQ Redditor
the new artstyle is throwing me off, but hey, im here for the gameplay
One of the few games I felt genuine loo after finishing
Loads of levels
Different settings, varied from country fair to Area 51
Great gameplay, blend of chaotic action and stealth
Funny dialogue, enjoyable characters
50’s satire
All round good game
Probably because of how much they are ruining the game lmao
Gonna be fun ragdolling cows again
How exactly?
I'm curious as I didn't played the original games
Opinion discarded
>Comes out after Cyberpunk 2077
welp, so much for buying this
it was semi medicore
>After Cyberpunk 2077
It's coming out in September, how the fuck is gonna be over.shadowed by it if DAH comes out in July?
Looks so much fun, I cant wait to play it
So much SOUL
Looks pretty good, I wonder if that robot with the minigun is going to be from one of the cut missions
I almost kinda wish that for the black and white TV segment, they hired an actual actor, and did a Fallout thing. I don't mind the stylized human models though, but it would have been interesting to actually make them look really realistic, and have that really stark contrast between playing something as silly as a grey alien mixed with real people.
The big take away, IT IS ON GOG
Wake me up with the sequel releases. The first game always felt like a tech demo to me.
Nobody cares about the fucking trailer come back when the game release
youre retarded
Cant you have bot?
I remember destroy all humans two was pretty fun, if less cohesive than the original, am I wrong?
No thanks, dude is supposed to be fucking Criswell, it's cool as it is.
Why just a remake of the first game and not 1, 2, and path of the furon?
Nobody cares you boomer
Speak for yourself zoomy
Great game, they made an amazing remake. Huge improvement
They don't want to bankrupt their studio by remaking an entire series that didn't sell well to begin with
This and the Spongebob remake are handled by two relatively unknown small teams that haven't done much historically. Part of THQ Nordics new strategy of trying to pick up smaller studios and IPs to diversify their product line by funding a bunch of smaller projects to afford bigger projects. They probably want to spend as little as possible but the fact that this remake has a 400 dollar collectors edition must mean they have some expectation of how much people care about DAH. Could easily milk a remake of 2, but I think after that you'd have to hope that a new one can be made.
It's actually a remake from the ground up and not just some half-assed port with HD textures