The eternal debate

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Pro Street

Holy fuck I played so much carbon, that brings back good memories. Looking back I’d say Most Wanted was definitely more important as a game, but I always preferred Carbon’s atmosphere and setting. I dunno, probably just my tastes but I have a fond love of Carbon.

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I liked carbon, but most wanted 2005 was better.

Midnight Club

mai nigwa

same, autosculpt and the unlimited possibilities of cars' visual design is what made me prefer Carbon over Most Wanted
also Most Wanted kinda became boring around blacklist no. 6

i'll take Flatout 2

Most Wanted > Underground 2 > Underground 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else

1. Porsche Unleashed ( PSX ver. )
2. Underground 2
3. Most Wanted

Carbon was more fun gameplay-wise and visually, and also had the mountain race shit. But had less cheesy cutscenes and no meme-wagon so it's not as popular

Midnight club for PC pls


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Nothing has topped most wanted police chases.

the car "cards" after beating bosses in carbon ticked me off so bad
googled it just now and apparently it wasn't rng? holy fuck that was a lot of annoyance they could've just not put in the game

is NFS: Heat any good?

Most Wanted by far, how is this a debate lmao

iirc pinkslip cards were always under different question mark cards both in MW and Carbon

Neither. Supras suck ass

It's not much of a debate, most people agree on this one. Carbon was a good game and an enjoyable experience but most wanted is the all time classic.

Daily reminder that we almost got a Most wanted 2, what a loss.

Carbon is a half finished mess worse than MW in every measurable way.

cause Carbon is basically the same game except better tuning, a better story that you have to conquer each part of the city, addition of team mates was also neat
but for some reason it didn't become as popular as Most Wanted, Idk why
Josie Maran was hotter tho

>1. Porsche Unleashed ( PSX ver. )
Absolutely based.

>better tuning
Still so arcadey it barely matters, and for visuals Autosculpt is an enormous meme.
>you can make your wing slightly taller!
I will say that partner junk aside, Carbon benefitted from the increased number of racers period compared to MW's 4 per race maximum.

UG > Carbon > MW > UG2

ah, another one who doesn't understand that > means greater than, not less than. It's ok, one they you won't get them mixed up

also having 4 bosses with more races to challenge them was better than winning a few races with a few milestones and beat some mofo 15 times imo

>drifting in carbon for the highest score at friend's house
good times




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