It's really fun actually and has a lot of customization which is really cool for a Gears of War game...

It's really fun actually and has a lot of customization which is really cool for a Gears of War game. It's also a lot faster paced than XCOM.

Attached: tactics.png (1200x630, 416.1K)

The fucking Brumak is filtering me hard

Holy shit, you can even do Duke Nukem.

Attached: 4rzeg4m6amv41.jpg (3024x4032, 1.76M)

I haven't got to that fight yet, why is it filtering you?

Just got to the Brumak and it’s pretty difficult

t. shill

Installing it now

So how has your experience been? I've played a good deal of the xcom series so I do have a passing interest.
Which mechanics work well, which ones not so much?

How are the missions?
Is there good variety or will it get samey pretty fast?

Playing on Intermediate (normal), at mission 5 and regreting not going for Hard.

Does it get harder soon?

go to the 6th mission and report back

Pretty based. I might pirate it. Is recruitment like XCOM or are you stuck with "essential" soldiers that you can customize to oblivion?

sotry characters plus random recruits

It's fun but likes to slap your balls.


Was literally about to come in here and say how fucking hard this boss is. The Brumak is hard enough considering you've got little breathing room, then they start throwing in the fucking Locust too.

>XCOM: Diversity Squad: $10
>XCOM EW Complete: $10
>XCOM 2 Complete: $30
>Gears Tactics: $50
game looks interesting but fuck off with that price tag

Attached: giwtwm.jpg (1920x1080, 318.65K)

It’s $1 retard get gamepass

>not getting game pass for $1

Attached: staring3.jpg (3504x2336, 431.73K)

I'm excited. Will buy with seies x.

What difficulty is everyone playing?
This is my first XCOM like game despite playing other Strategy games, so I'm on hardcore.
Is insane as bullshit as in actual Gears?

How's Overwatch? Cone or circle? Weapon/skill variety any good?




I started on intermediate and it’s decent but not overwhelming difficult
Overwatch is a cone you select the size of and is based on how many actions you have when procced
Right now the most powerful thing to do is build support to get more turns and then get a heavy since anchored can stack up to +50% damage and +75% accuracy let alone the stack that other buffs from support give
Weapons can’t be changed from what I’ve seen but every weapon has 4 mod slots and mods are scattered throughout levels

oh fuck please don't remind me of this album jesus christ

>tried gamepass on PC but it's a absolute piece of shit that relies on Windows Store to run
>refuse to pay $60 for it on Steam
Game looks fun but I have no reason to not wait for it to be $20 on Steam in a year or two.

hey dum dum, neither XCOM 2 nor XCOM: EU were 10 bucks on release

>that relies on Windows Store to run

Use the Xbox app. It's still shit, but at least it's not the Store.

Tip against the Brumak, the side of the map with the truck seems to be better for juking when he decides to get up close and slap you with his nuts.

is this WokeSquad killer or just another generic TBC game?

None of Microsoft's apps will install on my non-administrator account. I can install them all on my admin account but they won't run at all on my non-admin account.

Can you customize a character's features, so I don't have to be stuck with disgusting non-whites in my squad?

I’m pretty sure that when you install the app it specifically states it needs admin rights to work

>wtf why can't I install things in a folder shared across all users without admin rights

Attached: brainlet loading.gif (500x493, 631.3K)

If you right-click an executable you have an option to run it with admin rights. This works for 90% of programs, but there are a 10% of programs that are poorly written trash and thus you need to always be on an admin account or else it just won't run in any capacity.

But the point is that once the program is installed, you shouldn't need admin rights to simply execute it. I don't need admin rights to run steam, as an example. Once Steam is installed I can access it at will on any account.


>literally every other game launcher on PC does not have this problem in any way
>bro like microsoft programs HAVE to work this way bro! of COURSE you should only be able to run windows store from an admin account!
Thanks Microsoft shill