Any must know tips and such for getting into it first time blind?
Any must know tips and such for getting into it first time blind?
Play the fucking game.
It's like Bioshock but better.
Fuck the playing game.
Win tic tac toe for huge reward.
It's scary and hard. If you're arachnophobic this is not a game you should play.
I'm pretty good at vidya and my first playthrough became impossible to win because I ran out of ammo, so do try to keep your ammo up if you go for a normal build. Some psychic powers are overpowered.
Am I shit at tic-tac-toe or was that AI a fucking genius?
Its a videogame, you play it.
Use the wrench to save ammo when you can and hacking can really be helpful
>going in blind
>asking for advice before you've even started
Pick one
Where you put your points matters especially in the first hours of the game
Items on ground don't despawn, so find a closet or something on one of the levels for a makeshift storage room for items/ammo you don't need.
Use the Wrench until you have a high Maintenance skill
Pick Marines if you want an easy time with your guns, but I prefer Navy for a novice since it gives you maintenance and modify (I think)
Be patient and observe your surroundings for items
Search EVERY corpse
Get the crystal shard as soon as you are able, truly a great weapon, the same goes for the assault rifle although that makes the game a bit too easy
Conserve your ammo as much as you can, you may need to hold on to those anti personell bullets
Hacking is your friend
I wouldn't try going full on PSI the first time, some powers are very useful though
The cute droids that approach you are your friends; they give out items if you are lucky. You can even see them wave at you if they can't reach you, true bros.
shit like this is a lifesaver, thank you user. wish more games functioned that way
Choose navy
The best weapon type is standard weapons. All the other types are gimmicky
You should also get maintenance and hacking skills
Modify is good too BUT you can find items that upgrade weapons without needing modify skill. If you are good at poking around then dont do modify
Research isnt too good you only need a point or two for plot objectives
Repair is useless if you invest in maintenance and dont let weapons break
The best cyber power is the one that recharges electric things
Enemies respawn so early game you might wanna use wrench for easy enemies. Later on you can just buy almost infinite ammo
Not really. Steam/GoG ver already come with the latest community patches that fix bugs and makes everything work.
Just remember to set the resolution cause it puts it at 640x480p by default
its dog shit and boring.
>The cute droids that approach you are your friends; they give out items if you are lucky. You can even see them wave at you if they can't reach you, true bros.
Learn game theory you fucking dumb shit. Imagine losing tic tac toe to ai.
or losing tic tac toe at all; it's a solved game
Repair and Maintenance are not the same thing.
Repair fixes an item if it is completely broken, and Maintenance raises an items durability to prevent it form becoming broken.
I didnt realise what the dsifference was and maxed out repair thinking it was going to be really useful, but it meant i just ran around with smashed up gear that i couldnt fix yet because it wasnt totally broken.
You also dont get any exotic weapons for a long time into the game, so a bad idea for first time players.
Play the first instead
I would really love to see your face when trying to go through the Cargo bays
Classic or the enhanced edition? I have both, never played either.
just exploit the elevators to crush things
He is gonna die many times until he gets it right.
The game is easy, just don't be a brainlet.
And don't waste your ammo on starting enemies. Use the wrench. Save ammo for the hug-robots.
Enhanced, it has the classic control set if you want to go full autism
Otherwise, I think the two stand apart pretty well. The only stuff you need to know from SS1 get info dumped to you later in SS2.
>still no SS2EE
What the fuck is taking so long?
>The cute droids that approach you are your friends; they give out items if you are lucky. You can even see them wave at you if they can't reach you, true bros.
user dont listen to this man
There's nothing wrong with enhanced and it's got some great rebind options so I vote for that. I played it in 4:3 and still was immersed, presumably widescreen will only help with that.
Follow mod guide on steam.
They said it was gonna be holiday 2020. And that was before the big rona. Probably wont see it till next year now.
This is the state of modern-Yas Forums
Based and hacker pilled
Enhanced completely replaces classic. They both have the exact same content but enhanced has modern controls and mouselook
To hell with the god damn spiders in this game, jesus christ.
What would you want them to include in an EE?
Put at least 1 point in hacking at some point.
That is all.
Just this month they improved widescreen in SS1EE, the HUD isnt stretched anymore but properly extended & you can even scale it to be smaller if you want. This goes for both the fullscreen & classic hud.
They said they were mainly going to overhaul coop.
I actually had fun playing coop with bros so I was looking forward to that. Imagine if it was a more tactical experience without infinite respawning.
Not him but there's nothing to change. Retards can fuck off if they want mods.
NewDark is enough. Long live the mystery dev who's got the source code.
what is newdark user?
Is there a changelog about?
A few years ago some random guy on a french SS2 fan forum posted a patch for the game.
The fan patch did a whole bunch of shit like modern directx rendering, making the game work flawlessly on modern OS, bug fixes, making the game not switch resolutions to 480p every time you press esc, adding extended modding and scripting features, and more.
Nobody knows who the guy is. People theorize he was an ex developer who was not legally allowed to update the game but really wanted to so he released it anonymously.
This patch has come to be known as NewDark and is now officially bundled into the Steam and GoG versions of System Shock 2, Thief, and Thief 2.
Play full heavy weapons build a couple of hours (not the most fun but easy so you can get a hang of the general game). also after a couple of hours in the game, go ahead and give the keyboard-bind menu another look after you gotten a better idea about what stuff you'll need to do easier and where you want it.
Basically an updated version of the Dark engine that powers SS2 and Thief 1/2.
Long story short a dreamcast dev-kit had the SS2 source code in it. It disappeared from the market or whatever and then someone started mysteriously releasing new exes for System Shock 2 and Thief which are absolutely rock solid (SS2 used to crash if you sneezed while playing) and massively increased the engine limits for things like polygon counts etc etc.
I don't know about steam but it's so good that the GOG copies come with it pre-loaded.
Steam has it too.
Both the steam/gog releases are curated by some people from the forum. Mainly the guys who made ss2tool.
Invest points into hacking
>play game for the first time
>kill a few of these infected monsters
>they just endless ly keep respawning
lmao who designed this
The spawn rate is slow as fuck and they die in like 3 wrench hits. This isn't even a case of git gud. It's just "play the fucking game"
Actually use your nanites. Conservatively fr what you need, but use them. Also, even if you're not giving it, keep a range weapon around and make sure it has adequate ammo. There's a couple of times in the game where a skill will be required, but it's not that big of a deal. So keep some spare cyber modules.
Always keep plenty of extra saves in case you need to go back, for whatever reason.