If cinema and comics are treated as art (despite the fact that they re just consumers products)...

If cinema and comics are treated as art (despite the fact that they re just consumers products), then why not video games?

Also when most pieces of modern art are objectively crap, then why not calling games art too?

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Because movies and comics are static and unchanging.
Video games are not.

Ok i'll stop shitposting for exactly 2 minutes and give you a serious reply, you little bitch. Producers don't treat vidya as art, they see it strictly as products. This is why there are deadlines and producers always have the last say. If your producer is a (((producer))) he will force you to add political correct stuff and make you ship it without the game even being finished. Great examples are Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition. If you fucked up the producers even get to say who gets to be director and who doesn't, see Dark Souls 2. You see it's not that there aren't enough passionate developers who would love to make Video Games an art form, like the Director of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. But the problem lies on the finance perspective. Producers have that money and they will tell you exactly how and what they want from you. There is little artisic freedom even if someone else tries to tell you different. Modern game design is build on the fundation of the games being easily recognisable and easily understandable. It is literally build for shallow people by shallow producers because they just see this medium that way.

>You see it's not that there aren't enough passionate developers who would love to make Video Games an art form, like the Director of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus
But these are products too, with deadlines and such.

Games can be art but do they also offer their intended selling point which is the gameplay itself?

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These developers get more artistic freedom and an insanely far deadline. Something that is out of any kind of norm and only possible with either a producer who blindly trusts you (which is extremely unlikely) or inhouse producers who were ex-developers themself, like Atlus developing SMT V for literal years now. In the end they are still products, but are given the freedom to fully express itself.

video games are a relatively new entertainment medium so there's going to be double standards for a long time

Anyone who genuinely treats comics and movies as art deserve a flogging.

I'm just here for the Bandicutie

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I want to bury my face in that sweater and have her pet my head until I fall asleep

Uncoordinated retards who make up the bulk of art criticism cannot into any form of active entertainment. That includes all physical activities, including video games.

Technically speaking, video games are a craft not an art.

Stop being pedantic about arbitrary semantics

videogames can be read as art, but often are not. some games lack qualities to read them as art too

a toilet can be art if its put in an art gallery and an artist signs it. videogames can be art too if put in the context of being read as art

Yas Forums is not mature enough to handle video games as art because this board tards out every time there's a nigger or woman they see that they don't want to fuck.

>why arent games seen as art?!
>literally no discussion of games as art

i claim that 95% of v likes games only superficially

Are games like YIIK art too?

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But bro that would take space away from threads freaking out about TLOU2, and we need our twitter threads.

it can be read as such.

Imagine how fuzzy they are

>"Yas Forums is not mature enough to handle video games as art!"
>whining about people that make fun of SJW games instead of talking about games

Hit the nail on the head.

You're whining about my accurate post pretty hard, kiddo

as an example of reading videogames as art: pong is true "historical" art in that it is an expression of creativity which does not manipulate significant ideological forces. it is "true art" in the sense it cannot be removed from its place in a historical context, remaining at the very surface of ideology.

>"my accurate post!"

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make a reading of a videogame as art.

Animaniacs fucking blew.

Based. Animaniacs was severely overrated.

>why are games not discussed as art???
>thread dies instantly

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answers the question really

i also think its partially because the large majority of gamers are not concerned with art

Cinema and comics have been successfully taken over and centered in jewish centers of power like Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Video games are new enough that the main places they're produced haven't been consolidated yet but they're working on it.

v would rather talk about jewish conspiracies than games as art.

i think v doesnt like videogames

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I did earlier: