Marketed as a remake

>Marketed as a remake
>Is actually a sequel that only covers 1/10th of the first game and goes off the rails at the last few hours
Can any shills explain to me why this is okay?

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Shills don't explain shit.

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Doesn't matter, they already made bank with it. Enjoy FF7: Kingdom Hearts Part 2 in 5 years

You're too late user. We're whining about TLoU2 now.

Because it's good. What do you expect me to say? That an extremely enjoyable game with about 40 hours worth of mostly high quality content is bad simply because it's the first part of a trilogy and deviates occasionally from the game it's based on? A good game is a good game.

>Because it's good. What do you expect me to say? That an extremely enjoyable game with about 40 hours worth of mostly high quality content is bad simply because it's the first part of a trilogy and deviates occasionally from the game it's based on? A good game is a good game.

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You were lied to. You liking the result doesn't change that you were lied to. Supporting them for lying to you just increases the likelihood you'll be lied to again only next time the odds of you enjoying the result are lower. No customer should advocate being lied to. Ever.

>is actually a sequel

that's dirge of cerberus and advent children you stupid nigger.

The remake is taking characters from those and referencing events from those.

is barry okay

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No I wasn't, because I didn't follow the marketing nor have I played the original FF7, though having enjoyed FF7Re I might actually give it a try. I bought it because it looked interesting and got good reviews. It wasn't even on my radar until shortly before it came out.

>No I wasn't, because I didn't follow the marketing
You didn't notice being lied to. Way to completely miss the point.

lmao shut the fuck up already you broken record autist

Making Yas Forums seethe so hard...
Nomura is based as fuck.

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It's just XVfag.

Ok, Karen. We are terribly sorry that someone somewhere is making decisions without your permission and we will have a manager contact you as soon as they are able.

As an FF9 chad, I believe XV is equally as bad as this abortion of a remake

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final fantasy hasnt been good in 20 years. i dont know what you guys expected.

>FF9 chad
oh boy another hipster who pretends that failure was a good game because of muh roots


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epic roast, twitterbro



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Oh boy, another Yas Forumsirgin who needs a conspiracy to explain why anyone would ever disagree with them for any reason.

>false advertising is okay now
They also really should've put "Part One" clearly on the front cover for people that don't read up on everything about the game online

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you IXfags always dish it out but can never take it

That’s fucking terrible nowadays.


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Imagine thinking square needs to shill one of the most demanded games ever, on this shithole no less

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lmao okay retard

Unlike you spergs the last few years of my life didn’t revolve around obsessively following the marketing for this game. I bought it expecting the first part in a remake of FFVII, and that’s exactly what I got. The fact that it turned out to be both a remake and a sequel was a fun surprise for those of us who aren’t raging autists who really just wanted to pay for the original game again

I'm a tactics bro. And you're still a faggot.

>another 7R whine thread

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Roche was awful, but mercifully he was only in 5 minutes of a 40 hour story.

He was just there to show that SOLDIERs are mentally unstable.

It's not and I want my money back from false advertising!

>all people who like ffix are hipsters
>all people who like tactics are trying to fit in.
It's almost like you're a miserable twat that cant handle someone legitimately enjoying themselves. I was going to post something insulting but I figure you being you is punishment enough.

imagine getting this mad over being called out

>great sales
>critical acclaim
how does Yas Forums cope? Oh right, by making threads like this every day.

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>40 hours worth of mostly high quality content

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It’s just sperg cope. These autists need to pretend that they’re a lot more significant than they really are. It’s why they delusionally insist that their fringe opinion represents the majority.