Character buffs when?
Also, hopes for new survivor?
Risk of Rain
REX deserves better
Intruder apprehended.
No buffs, just Loader nerfs.
Next survivor is Claptrap, courtesy of Gearbox.
Let the threads die
Kill them if you have to
I wanted enforcer, or HAN-D, but mystery nigga is a good fallback.
I am currently interested to see if there will be a buff type character. imagine the possibilities if done right.
The Weaver they described was the reason I voted for the mystery survivor, I'm really into the idea of duplicating attacks from different places and warping to holograms
>SPAS with unfolded stock
good taste
Which chars need buffs?
No, he deserves worse.
May he get showered in herbicide.
artificer and mul-t
everyone else is fun and decently balanced
Mystery is guaranteed to be shit.
he's gonna bring law to the lawless and will not stop until the entire planet has been rehabilitated
Just play dota and pick brewmaster or that storm faggot to see how annoying having to deal with such shit is.
Hopoo is literally a hack who just rips off dota now. Chemist is an obvious invoker ripoff as well.
there is nothing original under the sun
You can at least try to make something look unique, not literally just describe dota heroes
well, we can at least be hopeful... i personally don't like the sound of any of the template ideas they had, but i think they do a good job making every character feel unique and interesting, and im pretty confident they'll be able to do it again
>makes another acrid, rex, or artificer
no thank you
acrid is op though, git gud
>be me
>just now
>acrid stage 7
>no marks dropped but 6 rusty keys did
>already mad
>die to one of the 50 gorillion brass contraptions all firing at the same time doing 500+ damage with each one of their three fucking spike balls.
I dont even want to play anymore.
I demand more Huntress ass images NOW! Bonus points if there's liquid droplets on it.
>Have nice run
>Umbra randomly kills me
These fuckers need to be nerfed
Rex has gotten nothing but massive buffs since his release. He and Loader are the two easiest characters.
>hopes for new survivor?
Hope it's not Paladin. It's gonna be Paladin.
Umbras do 1/10th player damage. If they fucked you it's because you were sloppy.
I had a couple of reds one of them being the Frost relic and I was trying to unlock an artifact, I still don’t get why they spawn each time that you damage the thing, even if you aren’t unlocking theirs
Disappointed, I wanted Heavy weapons Marine guy with pauldrons and tri-barrel minigun.
for me, it's the paladin
mainly because of the lore but gameplay potential also seems promising
they said literally nothing of gameplay retard
paladin fags are the worst, wanting a character just because their "lore" sounds cool is gay as fuck
Speaking of lore, what's Merc's lore?
Good lord I just wanna bury my face in there and inhale that aroma.
dude can you just look on r34 like the rest of us
Transcended weeb gets HF sword and jump boots, spends time murdering people while being silent and edgy because he thinks it looks cool.
He's not actually part of the crew, he just happened to arrive at the same time to recover his figurine collection that was on the Contact Light
The monster paladin is the kino option there, after that please hopoo give me someone that uses a fucking gun holy shit
>not using the booru
Paladinfags need to die.
As shit as the other mystery options were, paladin didn't have ANY info about his gameplay. He is LITERALLY nothing at all at this point.
Literally just enforcer 2.0, but probably with more melee options and healing.
Paladin is just stupid concept. Characters in RoR always were just your usual crew members with couple exceptions. But now we get into hurr durr magical alien paladin territory which isn't far from elven fairy healer some discord tranny proposed.
source: your ass