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DmC: Devil May Cry
Postal 2
Dungeons of Dredmor
besides forza
infamous 2 is the only game i know of in louisiana
Street Cleaner Simulator
DOOM 2016
Running with rifles with the girls frontline mod.
RDR2? has a bayou area anyway
Lost Planet
Rain World
Saints Row
Dead Rising 2
>the guy who drives this truck is actually black
>has some kind of hateboner for Home Depot for some reason
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death
Roman Legionary
CK2 with mods
>Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn hasn’t announced his bid for governor yet, but a City Hall gadfly is driving around a large truck bearing an oversize sign with racist imagery and language that could damage the Democrat’s chances if he announces.
>“Bob Buckhorn for Florida Governor,” the sign — replete with pictures of Buckhorn and lynched black men as well as a rebel flag and Nazi swastika — reads. “Every Nigger Vote Counts.”
>But it gets weirder.
>The man who owns the truck and sign, Anthony Daniel, is African-American. And the 64-year-old isn’t just trolling Buckhorn; he’s targeting Home Depot as well. His truck sign, using the store’s logo and trademark orange-stencil font, says “Home Depot or Nigger Depot.”
>Daniel refused to say why he’s targeting the company and Buckhorn, a white Democrat who said he has yet to decide whether to run for governor in 2018.
>“Anything about that car, you need to talk to Home Depot and call Buckhorn and get a comment on that and see what’s up,” Daniel told POLITICO Florida in a phone conversation. Asked why he’s angry with the two, Daniel laughed: “Angry? I’m smiling right now. Nobody’s angry.”
>“I’m a cool dude, bro,” he said.
Metal Slug
Postal 2
No anime shit please.
truly this man is operating on another level we can never hope to understand
Killing Floor 1 or 2
stronghold HD
literally any WW2 game
Doom 64
Final Fantasy VI
Pathologic 2
Tf2 disguise as engineer