Stops the game from being my perfect 10/10 of the year

>Stops the game from being my perfect 10/10 of the year
>That 30 second challenge
>Having to fight two at once
>Can take 20 super shotgun blows to the face
>Constantly bugs out and cancels animations leading to bullshit deaths

Patch him out.

Attached: Doom-Eternal-New-Trailer-Marauder.jpg (640x360, 63.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>be bad
>cry and shitpost

you can literally kill him in a matter of seconds if you're quick enough, but i see you are just bad


you mad because you bad

>having to fight two at once
ive done all the slayer gates and when the fuck did this happen?

>Having to fight two at once

never saw that on ultra-violence, is it a nightmare thing?

because if it is there goes any chance of me ever trying a nightmare run

stop posting these threads.
it has been proved time and time again, that whoever's getting stuck on marauder are just fucking garbage at videogames.

it happens when you leave an archvile alive for 120 seconds.
OP is a giant faggot and also trash lol

>>Stops the game from being my perfect 10/10 of the year
Why are you such a fucking wuss, Jesus Christ. Where did your parents go wrong, you fucking fat pussy.

Attached: marassg(1).webm (994x560, 2.83M)

I wonder how these fucking mangirls would react to sekiro or anything that requires the slightest hand-eye coordination.

whoever recorded this needs to uninstall their bitcoin miners
the video is stuttering like fuck

>30 second challenge
Just get bfg brainlet. Stun and shoot him

This doesn't get mentioned enough, most of the people bitching about Marauder are just fighting him too slowly.

>Having to fight two at once
Does it happen on the preorder exclusive Master Level or something ? I've beaten every other level and gate on Nightmare, never saw more than one.

>can take 20 super shotgun blows to the face
I don't know what to say to you user, get far away from him so he's baited into his running attack and then when he goes for the swing, Ballista + SSG + Ballista. Kills him in two rounds if you are getting all the pellets in.

Attached: 1588103435799.png (800x600, 175.06K)

>people think this is hard

Attached: 1581622891560.png (942x726, 673.17K)

>people posting your webms
that's hurtful user.
i don't know why did those end up like that.
here have something else instead.

>Shitcrow CLASS: FAGGOTLORD detected, opening scrub filter...

Attached: 1586832367954.jpg (1181x609, 84.34K)

Ballista double-shot (plus midway-SSG if using hotkeys)
Repeat 2-3 times until dead

It's not fucking hard.

i apologize user
this ones much better

you can kill him even faster

he also baits him with the bfg in other encounters.

Attached: marauder.jpg (645x610, 118.3K)

Why are FPS fags such brainlets? If an enemy like this was in any other type of game people would think nothing of it

I'm pissed you never have to fight two Marauders at once, even in master levels. This game in general is kinda lenient on using them and Archviles.

I was honestly expecting more archvilles
But not marauders. They make sense how they were used as capstones to big fights

people are already salty enough with the few single marauder encounters. they would revolt if they had to face two. the devs probably saw this coming.

Marauder is one of the weakest demons mechanically and just unfun to fight.
>He is almost never brought up at the beginning or middle of a big battle like the other 3 SH Demons (Tyrant, Archvile and Baron)
>He poses very little threat to a player who just doesn't care about fighting him since he is slow and is ranged attack is easily dodgeable
>His shield means that unlike other demons there is very little on-opportunity damage the player can do

All of this culminates in an enemy that fits so badly into the game you basically never fight him alongside the other big boys, and the most efficient way to kill him is simply to kill everything else, find a place that's got a bit of room, graciously wait for him to catch up to you, keep the appropriate distance for him to start a melee strike, and kill him with SSG+Ballista.

>Enemy forces you to play in a different way, it's therefore bad

they're pretty hard for your average room temp iq joe, who just wants to unwind shooting demons.
even on journo/HMP difficulty.

He can run you down pretty quickly user, and he shows up at the beginning middle and end of fights quite often

Attached: Luluco concerned.gif (379x440, 139.87K)

>he can't focus on marauder and dodge normal enemies at the same time
Git gud faggot

>game forces you to slow down your unstoppable killing spree to fight this one special snowflake who puts up no more of a fight than anyone else

Attached: maxmad.jpg (102x109, 7.4K)

>puts up no more of a fight
>b-but I have to kill the other enemies first
What is it faggot

There's porn of the female version tho.

or you know, fucking spam shit at him until he dies, just like every other demon in the game.
not everyone is a pussy like you.

What about Marauder and Archvile at the same time?

The only time a marauder pissed me off was the slayer gate but even then I beat it in like 4 attempts

Attached: blocksurpath.jpg (538x607, 60.37K)