is doom64 a good game?
Is doom64 a good game?
Yep. Especially for a 5er.
I'm on to you OP
If you like the rest of the classic DOOM games, then yes.
whatever could you be implying?
It's pretty doog.
I wonder
There's still several levels to go, isn't there? How much longer before it's over, do you guys think?
Better than Quake 64 was.
It's the last great DooM title.
Y'know DOOM, and DOOM 2? This is DOOM 3
She is already at 22, she is going all the way!
She's done over 24 hour streams apparently. She's going to keep at it until it's finished.
The puzzles and traps in this game sucked. There were only a few really good maps, most were meh.
what are you talking about? this is a thread about a video game. go elsewhere.
Wouldn't this be more appropriate in the Dunkey thread? Him being an e-celeb and all.
Here we're just talking about Doom 64.
doom 1/2's level design usually drops off at the latter half of the game but 64's drops off immediately
so its shit
no I'm pretty sure Doom 3 was the 3D survival horror shooter.
what the fuck are you talking about?
Does it mean she's really liking it?
Retail wise? Id say its better then Doom1/2 from a level design aspect. Doom 1 has more high points but E2/3 exist to bring down its average. Doom 64 doesn't feel like besides maybe the last level it has any throw away levels designed to introduce enemies/boss fights and even its last level without using the keys has a gauntlet before the boss.
Id say Plutonia and NRFTL are better though. In the grand scheme of wads and community shit its definitely not bad but forgettable. The most memorable thing about 64 specifically is the fucking pain elementals being eldritch god tier. WMDs major difference is just shoe horning in more of those fucks during every trigger.
what the fuck is this
No one is mentioning the stream you faggot. Just because the game is being discussed because of that shit doesn't mean it needs to have the thread die. As long as its about the game who cares what brought it on?
>No one is mentioning the stream
read the thread you brainlet
Has anybody tried the steam version that came out with Eternal? Is it good?
But this is just flat out wrong. 64s level design is fine and the secrets flow its just the stupid arrow/pit traps that feel out of place. If you play it on WMD enemy layouts are good too. Doom1/2 don't have that many good levels if you step outside of them into community shit but when it comes to 64 ill remember a few of them.
Doom 1 fans are also shit taste retards who think E4 is bad when its the 2nd best after E1 by miles since E2 is full of complete garbage and E3 has some maps that are just a drag to play and feel as empty as Doom 2 city levels.
it's fine. it's existed in a perfect state for free for a long time though
its probably the best way to play 64
an eceleb is streaming it
This is an eceleb shill thread but the shillers made another one
It's nandemonai, daijoubu
I can't believe Switch can't play this without framedrops. It's embarassing.
>It's a stealth thread
At least remember to put on the OP to ignore tranny posters and bait.
>ESL hall monitor
Name a more iconic duo.
Bros I just don't know how someone can stream for 7 hours straight....thats some impressive stamina...