ITT: The most Reddit games in existence

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Are you really that desperate for attention?

>sour grapes


OP is right, the lovecraft shit is cringe as fuck.

Pretending reddit and Yas Forums is not the same thing
Also wtf is calling something reddit supposed to mean? if you had a real meaning about the game you would have said it, instead ur so for attention from a bunch of random poeple online, holy fuck, absolute retard

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FromSoft games are overrated as fuck. I've finished Bloodborne and got like a third of the way through Dark Souls 3 and it's just so exhausting. I play games to have fun, not a "sense of pride and accomplishment" for beating them

theres like 2 or 3 things but for the most part you actually cant

You literally cannot refute though. The game huffs its own farts so fucking much.
>wooo look you're fighting beasts but ACTUALLY mankind was the beast all along oh my god is that a FUCKING TENTACLE AAAAAAAAAGH IM GOING INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE NIGGERBEAST HELP MEEEEEE

Here comes the redditors.

>not Niggerhman

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yea but thats what it was going for, the game dosent demand you to like lovecraft, and as someone who does i enjoy the game immensely.

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Again bro, literally no fucking meaning, come on bro, dont you have better things to do? is ur life that shit that the only way you get meaning is some fucking (you)s?

What it's going for is shit and cringy as fuck, it's only lapped up by redditors who think lovecraft is anything other than a meme. Remove that part off the game and this is one of the most generic action games of all time.
fuck off ESL

Jesus just wait 5 years so that it will be porting shut the fuck up already

>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere

This game is reddit incarnate.

why do ESLfags and R*dditors only like R*dditborne?
THIS. no one will refute you though because this place is a hugbox for redditors.

>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist
what? when


Only your first fromsoft game should feel "exhausting". After you put in the time with whichever one you start with the skills transfer over. I only died to nameless king and pontiff on my first play through of ds3. I probably died 150+ times against O and S back in 2011.

hahahahahaha bloodbornefags are so fucking pathetic, it's just a game calm the fuck down

Finally, an OP who's not a faggot. Bloodborne is absolute Reddit-tier garbage.

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This, why is Yas Forums so in denial about the obvious? 90% of these faggots are coming straight from r/Bloodborne.

>animal crossing subreddit has over a million users
All of them combined have less testosterone than a woman

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but he didn't betray you at all, why didn't you pay attention?

>There are unironically people who think this sub-20fps redditshit game is the best game of all time
>anime tranny
You should fuck off back to r/AnimalCrossing then and dilate.

This. I never understood the need to boost one's e-peen with
>hrrrrr I beat the hardest boss in the game on ultra hard mode.
Who cares? You're not getting laid for it, or a raise, or anything else.

>literally a boss fight
>doesn't betray you
this brainlet right here

you replied to pasta bait

Ironic for a Nintendo drone to call anyone else a tranny when Nintendo games are most popular with lgbt fags

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This, all redditborne fags are virgins for a reason.
>Every opinion I don't like is bait

These games aren't hard. Stop being bad

>he got filtered by father garganelli

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>anime tranny thinks everyone who disagrees with him is a nintentoddler
fuck off back to r/AnimalCrossing where you came from and play on your tranny shitch console. Become a statistic weeb faggot.

Your bait thread is too obvious, OP.

good art, saved.

He was helping you, user, you betrayed him. Gehrman did literally nothing wrong

ITT: The most Yas Forums game in existence.

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not a single argument ITT has been refuted, Yas Forums is just starting to realize how reddit this game actually is.

Unironically better than Bloodborne. The Dragon Riders fight was prime SOUL kino.
Absolutely BTFO, fuck off of Yas Forums with your tranime shit

>mankind was the beast all along

>can't dual weild guns
Reiterpallasch in your right fag
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
this has to be bait

shit bait but take a (you)

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Doesn't it get boring repeating the same things in these threads over and over again?