What JRPG has the most complex battle system?
pic probably not related
What JRPG has the most complex battle system?
pic probably not related
MegaMan Battle Network
None of them. It's all the same
>Use Item
Japs are creatively bankrupt.
Knights in the Nightmare is the only correct answer
What would it take for a jrpg combat system to be actually fun?
if by most complex you mean unnecessarily convoluted (irrespective of the actual quality) then Xenoblade 2, actually maybe The Last Remnant.
if by complex you mean deep, satisfying and high quality, then it's the Mega Man Battle Network series
I played that. It was too retardedly complex for no reason. I'm sure you're gonna reply with "low IQ brainlet got filtered" but the tutorial on just the battle system alone was literally 2+ hours long, if you need a tutorial that long to explain your game then you could definitely stand to trim the fat in your bloated ass game mechanics
Arc Rise Fantasia
turn based combat >>>>> real-time combat where you spam click and potion hotkey to win. The latter is unga bunga shit for brainlets and has way less thinking involved than 80's console RPGs
Demon Souls
Is Xenoblade 2 worth playing? I bought the original way back around when it came out and didn't enjoy the combat/graphics. Kinda been enjoying a lot of JRPGS lately and thought either playing 2 or waiting for the remaster
ahem, sekiro
low iq brainlet got filtered lmao
low IQ brainlet got filtered
not a JRPG
if you didn't enjoy 1 you should avoid 2 it's the same but worse
Based. Some day I'll finish it.
Ignore all the shitposting it's one of the best JRPG's in recent years. The game is slow at first while it's introducing the cast and mechanics but it kicks off once it reaches chapter 4. It can get very anime at times so your enjoyment depends on how much you tolerate/like that sort of thing, There's only 2 scenes I can think of which I struggled to get through though
>finished Xenoblade 1 when it came out and liked it
>can't stand 2
anyone know this feel?
Yeah, it's great.
Resonance of Fate looks really complicated. Not sure if it actually is.
Xenoblade 2 should get some points for looking like a completely incomprehensible clusterfuck to the uninitiated.
>japs are creatively bankrupt
>nooo you can't mention those japanese games!
So for me personally the fun comes from getting new spells, equipment, party members, and useable items/vehicles. The gameplay loop of pressing 1 of however many options for each party member isn’t even a thought in my head. The “fun” for me is beyond just simply pressing the Attack button. I have a good mentality for enjoying vidya. The latest game that stumped me is Capitalism 2. I need to do some research to figure out who to make that one fun
Doesn't Last Remnant require like 15 spreadsheets or something?
>hey guys what are some JRPGS?
>here's an action-RPG and an action game
sasuga retard-kun
What's the overall consensus on the combat? I personally love it.
Agarest War
Note: Complex does not necessarily mean good
it's really good
Last Remnant requires you to use a guide if you want to 100% it and do all the autistic set-ups for optimal fighting. The game has no tutorial on anything and there is no way for the player to figure anything out unless they use a walkthrough.
>Resonance of Fate
Super fun game but I'm a casual and dropped it because combat was too tough for me to git gud at. Combat is like bullet time matrix shit where you can set pre-determined actions and watch your team play them out. They'll also jump and flip over walls while shooting enemies and you can do crazy gun attacks.
Actually, wasn't there a screencap of someone explaining all of the ridiculously autistic depth in one of the Mana games, arising from its insanely complicated crafting system coupled with weird bugs in the mechanics?
No idea if it's true or not, but it sounded interesting.
End of Eternity gets easier when it clicks. It's fun stuff all the way to the end if you don't grind too much.
They asked for complicated user, not the best
>warning low semen
Because I'm too busy cooming to Nia