Need advice for games similar to Bioshock, Dishonored, Prey, Deus Ex

need advice for games similar to Bioshock, Dishonored, Prey, Deus Ex

Attached: prey-i46584.jpg (133x200, 8.55K)

The Darkness (it's fucking brilliant)
Origanal Prey (it's got a really cool vibe)
Dishonored (quite similar in principle)
Quake 4 (More FPS pure)
Dark Messiah of might&magic (fantasy bioshock)
Riddick Butcher Bay (really well done)


>The Darkness (it's fucking brilliant)
what is better 1 or 2?

Thief gold and Thief 2

1 was much better. It's really disturbing in parts too.

This and System Shock 1 & 2

>Dishonored (quite similar in principle)
My brain...sorry meant to put Theif.

seconding this. the environment/atmosphere is pretty cool, same with the mutants. time powers are interesting to play around with

VtM: Bloodlines

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System shock 1 and 2 since you didn’t include it in your list

>Recommending games you personally like rather than games like the ones OP played / want to play
Yas Forums is so dishonest

Correct it then, What would you remove from the list. Otherwise shut up.

Remove: all of them except Dishonored; I'm surprised you didn't go all the faggot way and recommend Dark Souls too.

Replace them with Thief 1, 2 and 3, System Shock series, Ultima Underground 1 and 2.

That's it. OP clearly wants to play first person adventure games (as, games that aren't pure shooters and that involve a lot of out-of-the-box thinking), not whatever generic shooter you're thinking about.

the only thing that shouldn't be on that list is quake 4 everything else is sound

>t. Retard
>What is Butcher Bay?
>What is Dark Messiah?
>Read quotes, Thief was in there.

OG Prey
can't buy it anymore tho

Attached: prey_19.jpg (1024x768, 177.66K)

Also thisTo be fair though I did express Quake 4 was obviously more fps pure.

System Shock, if you're tolerant of older games

Attached: ss1 map.png (1214x1286, 1.3M)

Thief is proto-Dishonored and, honestly, it ruined all other stealth games for me. Plus, it has an active modding community so there are loads of fan missions.

Attached: TMA.webm (720x960, 3M)

>old good
>new bad
Ultra cringe

Huh, some people are less tolerant of older graphics, clunkier controls, less accessible player navigation of the environment. OP listed only new games and I was just placing a caveat in my post just in case they're averse to older games.

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Thief 1, 2 and 3 are what inspired Dishonored, and they're much better than Dishonored ever will be. The fan missions alone gives virtually infinite content.

theyre all good tho

DX HR and MD are as good as modern DX sequels could have been, 2 might also be worth trying
STALKER trilogy, not sure if ImmSims but my favorite series besides DX
EYE Divine Cybermancy (very janky)
Arx Fatalis
System Shock 1/2
Bioshock 2 and Minerva's Den
Fallout New Vegas, maybe 3 and 4 if you're desperate
Vampire Bloodlines
Alpha Protocol
Thief 1/2 (3 maybe)
Stealth series like Splinter Cell, Hitman
RPG series like Gothic, Witcher, Elder Scrolls
Horror/walking sim/hide and seek simulators like Soma and Alien Isolation influenced by System Shock, Dead Space too


Bioshock isn't similar to those other games you posted, you idiot.

Was Arx open world? Been so long.

It's like Ultima Underworld, a huge open cave system with cities, crypts, dungeons, etc

I need to play it again methinks.

Alpha Protocol is a shit game and nothing like any of the games OP listed.