Play ninjala

play ninjala

Attached: ninjala.webm (640x360, 2.3M)

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Do you need the nintendo online fee to play it?

hope there's porn being made of those glued KOs

damn I forgot about it.
how much time is left?


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>points are awarded at the last second, allowing you to win even if you think you would have lost

Attached: win.webm (960x540, 2.94M)

the first hour meant to have ended 40 minutes ago but it was shut down early and went back up till just a couple minute ago
theres another hour in like 6 or 7 more hours

So this game is just the love child of Dissidia and Splatoon right?

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i have no clue what the RPS clash thing is. i've just been flicking randomly when i get it

That is...a good comparation.

>You can grab multiple people with the Tenchi Muyo


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No. All f2p games don't require the online membership.

AND you can hit people with the smash.
Hammer op

Won the first match with the chad horse. Feels good bros.

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Post your ninjas

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Real talk, YoYos are the worst weapon in the game.

Did they fix it after the second crash?

>character is fully customizable, you can combine the faces and voices of all the characters.
>But all them have same body type.
The madmen, do they have any idea of what they are about to unleash?!

Do you think this will get enough people to spawn a /vg/ general when it's out for real?

>Ended third
>Someone gets extra points and takes my place
>Get the IPPON bonus points and get second
Well ok then

>Nintendo has a better Dissidia than SE's NT
How did they fuck it up so badly?

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Fuck off with /vg/.

mudra goes in all fields
if you're on the ground attacking with the yoyo you're using it wrong

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>Defeating players, especially with Ippons, and destroying droids. The players with the most Ippons, and the most droid kills get bonus points at the match results.
i assume the big roids give more points
how does ippon work? i saw it in the tutorial but dont remember now

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wow that actually looks fun

Vg is aids but then again generals will die on Yas Forums quickly. Guess I'll just get a group of friends to add and just talk to them

>mfw all cosmetics have to be paid for when the game comes out

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Now is over for real?

You give the enemy a special condition and then kill them, or just use your special.
Special condition as in you gum them or break their weapon or whatever the other weapons do.


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Ah fuck, I tried connecting for the first one and hit an error. When is the next one?

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Honestly disappointing. at least Splatoon avoids traps.


6 hours

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I love tomboys!

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No, not just traps, you know who will try to use this customizable options to pish their agenda bullshit.

The RPS clash is pretty dumb. Should have just had a strike/block/grab system.

So they just gonna jew us out of our second playtime extension? I mean they're the ones that fucked up. How do you underestimate how popular this would be. Its like splatoon/arms but free and also a battle royale. This shit is crack

didnt catch a screenshot of the customization menu, but this should be fine, right?

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made a burton

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Agreed, it just seems completely up to luck

i think bodys are tied to clothes. the dresses had more hip definition to them

Beta times.

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I hope there are many more weapons. Bat was okay, YoYo probably doesn't suck but I'm a shitter, hammer seems strong and I didn't get to use the Drill yet.

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We don't even know how it works. They should have explained more

splatoon 3 will probably allow it if this trend continues

I would post one if the game would LET ME IN

Down beats left/right, left/right beats up, up beats down.

I know but they didn't say we get to play more after

This game is going to attract all of the worst people

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The one match I did had me place in third while the person who got in first just decimated everyone else in points.

This game has SOUL.

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im one of them user, don't be mean

This but wizards when

why should i play this over splatoon

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why are there so many fat cats in america?

So why wouldnt you always press down. There's a greater chance to win if you do press down

why compare them? splatoon is a shooter, this is melee combat. play both.

cunny kino

>could've had all these customizations on well proportioned lolis
>get malformed midgets

Splatoon is abandoned

Holy fuck, that's actually a pretty neat scoring system.

Hoe you opened the emoticon screen?

thats like asking why should i play anarchy reigns over gears of war

Because Splatoon 2's online is garbage. Splat2 has 16hz tick rates that ruin the whole game.

>mario party bonus stars

Becuase it isn't remotely the same?

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d-pad nigger

In my case it's because I am poor and Ninjala is FREE.

If they don't extend this first session I hope they extend the second one. Really enjoyed my one and only match.

Because they're American cats.

based spic

theyre both completely skill based
just earn more kills and break more drones bruh

Splatoon 2 more like Splatoon who?

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well after today only 30 days to taste the difference

Not him but Splat2 is free starting tommorow.

looks like shit

user, this game is nothing like Splatoon, is basically Splatoon (looks) Dissidia (ganeplay).

this game has lolis AND ninjas

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How long is the beta for

Thank you

Tbh splatoon is totally irrelevant now. Ninjala will obviously branch out to pc and other systems eventually. Splatoon is stuck on switch forever. More customization options and more tech with ninjala too. Splatoon got btfo unrioncially

This is nothing like splatoon outside of similar artstyles you loon

This reminds me Maple story 2.

Because it's RPS? The mindgame is shitters will press left/right because *teleports behind u* so some will press down, then somebody picks up to catch the people that guess you're going to do left/right, which loops all the way back to picking the retard option left/right to catch the people pressing up.

I wonder how many disgusting normalfag artists will draw ninjala kids with tits

They look like they're made by the same people. 16 Hz is coming to get you.

I liked Splatoon but this looks like shit.

Who the fuck knows since they keep having to shut it down and extend it

no gilgamesh

>Lost my first place position because someone else got the IPPON bonus

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>Splatoon vs Ninjala shitposting.
Why you fags love conflict so much?

It's literally already happened


you should have gotten more kills bucko

are we not saying anything about the dildo bat weapon?

That's wrong.

fucking hell

We will from this point on call the game Ninjoli.

Most of them are actually full grown adults turned into kids by magic gum.

Not my point. Unless you're really obsessed with a specific playstyle from splatoon, ninjala is splatoon but better in every other way. Splatoon just became irrelevant to a lot of people


Ninjoli and the Shotagun

>most of them
3 of them
this is not a game for disgusting teleiophiles

>got someone's first place position because of the IPPON bonus
I still have no idea what I'm doing

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Unga bunga won't help you in this game, user

>well done, Leir, well done

I got plenty of kills, just not the ones the game deemed bonus worthy.

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Splatoon was a good twist on arena shooters due to ink territory and ink movement.

What is this a good twist on? What's the thing setting Ninjala apart from its own genre that makes it worthwhile?


but shotas are as big a part of it as the lolis

Yes because we're not 14 year olds

Ninja Gum


The looks.

So what, it's a game for black weebs?

>Those twitches

Attached: IPPON'D.webm (854x480, 621K)

Gum, vertical movement

My point is there are 2 buttons for one option which is the left right one. That means that one has the biggest chance of being picked by your opponent. Whether by mistake or misunderstanding is irrelevant rn. So picking down ensures you'll win most of the time.