Search "Neil Druckmann" on twitter

>search "Neil Druckmann" on twitter
>literally 99% of tweets are shitting on him
Is this the biggest career suicide in gaming history?

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>feel like when he
As a general observation you probably shouldn't shit on someone's writing ability with literal nigger tier English.

whats wrong with that sentence?

esl chad here


As a general observation, you shouldn't try to sound smarter than you are. nigger.

>hero is a villain in the sequel because muh casualties muh revenge cycle
So brilliant and subversive. Truly never been done before

The hate will only make (((him))) stronger.

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I hope this means he fucks off to Netflix and leaves the gaming industry alone.

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You see? It's a real controversial piece of art.

>rightoids hate you because of trannies and lesbians
>leftoids hate you because of violence on said lesbians

You're correct and I have no idea why you're being shit on.

shut fuk up asole

>centrists hate you because of shit writing
triple death

>cause controversy
Am I an artist now

t. Neil Druckmann

>How ND feels what he’s like when writing

Language's rule and grammar are just ways of trying to describe how people speak. The speaking was here first. You cannot call that incorrect English if you understand it.

"Feels like", dumbasses.


its another Yas Forums is retarded episode not understanding the fact that normies are trying to avoid spoilers the only people tweeting about TLOU are haters or people who never would have brought the game in the first place


He he

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I enjoy watching all these progressives self destruct.

stfu niggerbrain

whatever helps you sleep at night, user

I think context is important. You don't typically go on Twitter to write the next great work of art.
Hell, on Yas Forums you get chastised for using the right version of "you're".

How could he even top the current shit?

In general, this is true. For this specific case however, I feel it is more than warranted. DOGSHIT leaking everywhere.

How Niel Druxmann feel bout he lowkey finna Last of Us Part 2

god I hope so. movie games co-opted by hollywood lizardmen need a swift eradication

lmao starting to feel the insecurity creeping in arnt you none of you would have brought the game

>Everyone else is mad because the moment to moment gameplay hasn't expanded at all beyond more setpieces no new advanced zombies
The only way to fuck up this hard is if you have your head lodged firmly up your own ass for a long while. Until the smell of your own farts becomes as roses

source on this oh right you have nothing like most of the speculation

You'd think it would be something that they already advertised, considering gameplay is more important then story

>Hell, on Yas Forums you get chastised for using the right version of "you're"
For as much as Yas Forums decry niggers they act so much like them

Next week new controversy and people will forget this ever happened.

Almost like pandering to certain minority that 50% suicide anyway probably not the best business move

And it will sell a fuckload, get 10/10s , half the people who claim to boycott it will still buy it, and everyone will pretend nothing happened.
Sick of this reality.

Yeah, except he won't give a fuck because 50-60% of people shitting on him aren't doing it because of his shitty fucking writing, they're REEing over the tranny that might or might not exist in the game or calling him an sjw cuck.
When you use retarded buzzwords like that it automatically makes people not listen to you. He's going to go on blissfully thinking that he's sticking it to the alt-right because of how fucking predictable these dumbasses are being.


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