It has been proven that lolis in your game = more game sales

It has been proven that lolis in your game = more game sales

So why don't western devs put more lolis in their games?

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They can't because it's "bad", but killing on the other hand...

The west is cucked.

She should have been wearing a crotchless bikini

well, not everyone is a degenerate.

Attached: what are some video games.png (800x840, 89.63K)


the west is gay

>So why don't western devs put more lolis in their games?
Too focused on putting gays, trannies and whatever other """minority""" in their game than putting things actual people want.

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>loli with tits

>implying you count as a valid person while you look at others as invalid people
Lmfao. Internet outrage culture incels are some embarassing specimens.

I like lolis in uniform
they're very pretty

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That's false though, otherwise every Japanese games would be full of lolis instead of titty monsters which is unfortunately not the case.

Get out, dumb duck.

Just good looking women suffice, they can't even do that. They can't even manage 7/10

Because not everyone needs to stoop to the level of pathetic pandering that the Japanese operate do to sell their games

i like fluffy loli not lewd loli

Are isekai old men lolis a new genre?

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They can't even manage real women these days.

Isn’t that girl just a old man inside a lolis body?
Honestly I’m not complaining

It's true, that's why Persona 5 is the best selling Atlus game.


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you belong in a prison

Fuck trains

Attached: densha dakimakura.webm (322x450, 229.34K)

and faggots like you belong on a cross

a prison of LOVE

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is there a date for season 2? Im to lazy to google please sponfeed

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For shooting pixels to death right? Pixels lives matter.


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you sound upset

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that's a salaryman, baby!

Why does this place make me want to fuck lolis

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fuck little girls

>posting the pretending one
topkek , also dont post iseturds

no thanks. we dont want lolis in our games.

Ahhh, I want to share a passionate perochuu with a loli~

Attached: 026.jpg (1062x1500, 513.91K)

oh my!!

>comparing children to hot chicks
What are you, a pedophile?

fluffy clothes are fine too


talk for yourself faglord

Because western devs want the American population to be nu male tranny loving degenerate faggots

Traced child porn is illegal

This isn't reddit

This style of swimsuit wouldn't even be available during the period this is set in.

How do you wierdos even recognize this shit?

If people were aroused sexually by violence, violence would be prohibited too.

Nobody cares about the moral significance of violence or sex. They just don't want your dick to get hard unless they agree.

Such is the nature of conservatives.

its your natural instincts kicking back in after """"they"""" worked so hard brainwashing you all your life. you are welcome

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of course they are. Everyone in this thread is a dangerous NEET

I'm okay with society becoming ever increasingly tolerant because eventually it will be okay to sexualize minors.

She had it custom made for her.

it's not set in the real world

They think Manish s(he) women will sell copies

Ho did you know I got fired yesterday? Now I can read loli eroge all day every day.

give evidence on this "tracing"

>If people were aroused sexually by violence
you mean like masochists and sadists? are you stupid?

We must protect our 2D little girls from you monsters.

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God i wish i was turned into a loli

What are you implying, am I in danger?
Am I gonna get raped?

God, I wish I could look literally like that.


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it's not traced. t. cunnysisseur

It's already ok to sexualize minors in America, but only if you torture them psychologically at the same time, see Dance Moms.

And? They clearly follow roughly similar clothing styles to the ones we used during the same time. Just because there's magic doesn't mean that micro-bikinis would be in fashion for little girls.

impregnating lolis!

Attached: lolige.webm (800x600, 826.88K)

Most based loli

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you only see soldiers, it might be popular among townsfolk

The Wall's effects start after the first period

oh my!

Plenty of civilians are shown and they follow the same pattern.

its fantasy, there are no fucking rules. If you want historical realism, watch something that doesnt feature a magic mature old man stuck in the body of a 12 year old loli

>Make a my own license
>Hurr Durr that doesn't make you a real doctor

>Draw art
>Reeeee you a sicko. You are the same as real sickos

t. Pete Hines

if everything in the world followed the "same pattern" then there wouldn't be magical little girls leading armies of flying prussians

It's the feminists who are the ones behind banning anything sexual and anything that's not old ugly women

I'm gonna personally kill every single pedophile that plagues this board

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i double dog dare you to try faggot

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lose weight pedo

source pls

Pic unrelated though.

Based, but your glorious efforts would be most useful elsewhere like

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Finally the loli haters will get what they deserve, good luck.

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I'd rather be killing people in my games than fucking kids in them desu

First, seeing violence does arouse people, and it can end up being sexually arousing quite easily.

Second, show me a conservative video game maker that is not Nintendo, show me one from the West or Yurop.

Why did you link Yas Forums

Anime is fucking disgraceful and nasty

>drawings are hot chicks
They aren't real, please user wake up

no u won't dumb redditfrog

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It's okay, I'm in remission

Tanya is based and redpilled.

Attached: tanya.png (1920x1080, 506.97K)

Wasn’t she a japanese general?, she also served an authoritarian regime.

Use saucenao.

But Tanya is a man


That just means you want to fuck the animated version

.(you) for u


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That's because you're american.

'Depiction' is the keyword here.
Loli don't like real children so they aren't pedophiles
In fact, me fapping to anime girls isn't even a guarantee that I'm attracted to actual real women either.
I also wouldn't fuck a trans just because I like futa or trap drawings.
In short: not an argument.

Extremely gay desu

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You actually won't do shit.

Oh so being a furry is ok since its just pretend

Did you just compare futa to a fucking tranny? Die.

That's not fair I would love to fuck kids in my vidya games. :(

I'm 100% gay, but anime pussy is popping