Why did the Nintendo 64 fail?

Why did the Nintendo 64 fail?

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not enough games and not edgy enough

It’s controller is not designed for two human hands lol

>not enough games
it had mario
and zelda

It didn't fail. It sold more than the Genesis, GameCube and Xbox.

It was a big financial success and had all the best games that gen

no games that didn't appeal to toddlers

>had all the best games that gen
as a nintendo 64 owner, LOL

PS owner, he's right.




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God, I know N64 was an overrated console but didn't know it was this garbage.

just because you dont like something doesnt mean its a failure


It was a pretty capable console in the right hands, that was just a shitty port.

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the saturn is worse

the saturn has games so no

RE2 uses pre-rendered backgrounds.
Megaman Legends has a big world to navigate.

your comparison is completely unfair

The Saturn is like the original Vita, nothing but inferior ports and VNs.

A lot of games were being developed for the Disc Drive and that flopped hard so stuff got reworked or cancelled. Disc Drive was also going to use proprietary discs that could only hold 64MB of data compared to a CD's 700MB because Nintendo was retarded.

yeah, those arcade games i can emulate on mame and get bored after 15 minutes and all those photo galleries.
So many games, woah..

>inferior ports
Saturn had near-arcade ports retard, it's the PS1 that had shitty ports.

Some SHMUP ports are better on Playstation.

That's the PS1

Megaman legends was designed specifically for PSX and capcom rushed the 64 port 3 years later

Your comparison is completely unfair

How hard is it to have a draw distance of fucking 50 ft

Good one Bingtendrone.