Dragon Age: Origins

why does Yas Forums have such a hard-on for this game? everyday I see a thread Yas Forums jerking this off as the greatest wrpg/crpg ever made. which is why i finally decided to play it

the art style is terrible. everything is some shade of grey/brown, character models are laughably bad and their animations worse. I mean, this shit looks way worse than the last remnant, a low-budget jrpg that came out the year before it.
for all the talk about how wrpgs have the best magic systems, the skill trees in this game are really uninspired. It's basically just a party-based mmo.
all the characters so far have been walking tropes. alistair is le quirky joss whedon support character, morrigan is just a conventional tsundere. the plot doesn't even make any sense either. yeah sure, loghain wants to gain political power, but how the fuck is letting demons overrun the country going to achieve that?
and they really couldn't come up with something more interesting than ripping off lord of the rings? there are elves and dwarves, an ancient evil called the darkspawn awakens and threatens to overrun the land. even the darkspawn enemies look like orcs.

If this is supposed to be the pinnacle of wrpgs/crpgs, no wonder the genre has been on life support for so long

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lol nobody cares

Stfu it’s the best game

Only niggers play the game you should’ve not played it

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What I don't understand is how posters on Yas Forums clam to hate rtwp games like Baldur's Gate, but then turn around and praise DA:O as the exception. DA:O is literally just a massively dumbed down and simplified version of Baldur's Gate

It's a downgraded Baldur's Gate for normalfags.

Maybe you see a positive thread about it every day but I see a thread like this by some kid crying about it every day as well.

>why does Yas Forums have such a hard-on for this game?
Last hooray of an old Bioware
>everyday I see a thread Yas Forums jerking this off as the greatest wrpg/crpg ever made. which is why i finally decided to play it
>and they really couldn't come up with something more interesting than ripping off lord of the rings?
1) It's not LoTR rip-off
2) Good copy of things what made LoTR good already makes product above all jRPGs

Did you mean A Song of Ice and Fire? It's so blatant it's not even funny.

>implying BG had good gameplay

BG's gameplay is lightyears beyond DA:O. Actual permadeath instead of your units magically springing back to life after every encounter, magic takes up spell splots so it can't be spammed endlessly, unlike DA:O's retarded cooldown rotations straight out of WoW.

Don't even get me started on magic variety. DA:O doesn't even have something as basic as an invisibility spell. You're only allowed to summon 1 measly zombie at a time, while BG let you summon an entire monster army.

why would you play this generic brown and grey fantasy crap when you have masterpieces like Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 is garbage (and not even an RPG), but that doesn't magically make DA:O good.

>BG's gameplay is lightyears beyond DA:O.
Nope, becasue BG using clunky port of tabletop DnD

It's literally JRPGs but good

>Mass Effect 2 is garbage (and not even an RPG)
cope buddy

it's western action RPG classic and nothing you say can prove otherwise

>Leveling up
>Allocation of skill points
>Purchasable upgrades
>Variable combat classes with special movesets
>Focus on narrative/dialogue with plenty of choice and consequence
>character writing and dialogue which rivals that of PS:T and VTMB

>and they really couldn't come up with something more interesting than ripping off lord of the rings?
I'd say you need to read more, but the shit that inspired DA:O is so fucking obvious to anyone that's lurked a day here that you might be legitimately brain dead.

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Didn't read
Look at this bird

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>why would you play this generic brown and grey fantasy crap when you have masterpieces like Mass Effect 2
1) Only one prologue
2) No comfy campfire music
3) Story is less coherent
4) Derelict Reaper shorter than Deep Roads
5) Worse DLCs
6) Designated romance is irredeemable borring
7) Too many black people with daddy issue

DA:O had:
>multiple origin stories, none of which were fucking stupid
>characters that actually were characters with agency, as opposed to player fellating devices
>dialogue options that were more than pick right and up/down or you get fucked in later discussions
>a plot you had the veneer of agency in, rather than being shamelessly railroaded
>choices with meaningful impacts
>the ability to call someone an idiot if they acted like it, rather than slobber down their cock when they send you on retarded suicide missions
>no previous game to shit all over
>no previous backstory and characters to put in the shredder
>no obvious author's pets
>no contemporary competition it was obviously aping
>a self contained story where you can ignore the sequels, and which didn't actively kneecap any sequels that might come after. Instead they let the sequels be shit entirely on their own merits

theres some truth here even tho this is bait

the gameplay is fucking boring, some of the writing is dogshit and the theres nothing special on the visuals.

why this series still big today? lack of competition, plain and simple, the only sucessful similar game to this one is witcher.

yes its trash along with dragons dogma

>>a plot you had the veneer of agency in, rather than being shamelessly railroaded

>forced to become grey wardens
>forced to carry out the grey warden's duty, even after literally every grey warden was murdered and you're hunted for being a grey warden
>forced to accept party members
>"not railroaded"

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>wtf I'm forced to play the plot?
You're pretending to be retarded.
Don't do that

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>>forced to become grey wardens
Well yeah, origins did a really good job with this

>multiple origin stories, none of which were fucking stupid

this is plain wrong, the mage origin is ridiculously bad

>, the mage origin is ridiculously bad
Nah it's worse than human and dwarf noble, commoner or city elf, yet still good in terms of world building and it's finished unlike Dalish elf (but who cares about elves in DA)

Not really. You help out a bad friend (or don't, since the game gives you the option to realise that's a retarded idea and backstab him) and Duncan comes at the right time to help you dodge the backdraft.
The harrowing also gives you a better understanding of the setting, with the pride demon showing you you're nowhere near the biggest fish in the pond, even if it is a pretty thinly disguised 40k/Elric knock off in that respect.

Like OP I finally played DA:O after years of putting it off for some reason. I dropped it right around 10 hours in. I share pretty much all of the problems as OP, but my biggest problem was the writing. It was so fucking repetitive.

It was like every dialogue tree has 4+ options that all get a nearly-identical response: "I'd love to support ya, but we don't have much resources left. And what little we have is being taken by enemy invaders".

If you want to make the game unrelentingly depressing, fine. But it doesn't have to beat you over the head with the same fucking dialogue over and over again.

>Had this been a different time, had we been different people, I could have been so much more for you

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I agree completely. I tried to play it last year and just couldn't. There was zero appeal. I thought it was just me.

>It was like every dialogue tree has 4+ options that all get a nearly-identical response: "I'd love to support ya, but we don't have much resources left. And what little we have is being taken by enemy invaders".
Well they call it a Blight for a reason
Also, elves and dwarves are just want to use Warden for their own personal gains

uhh based?

>Well they call it a Blight for a reason
Sure, but don't put 4 different items in the dialogue menu if the NPC only has one fucking thing to say

You really are this stupid, are you? Yes, techically, no RPG offers limitless freedom. The thing is, any sane developer typically makes the protagonist of their RPG an outcast of some kind, to explain why the task of saving the day falls to them alone and nobody tries to assist them in any significant way. Bioware however insists on making the main character join a powerful and resourceful organization, be it the Jedi, Grey Wardens or Spectres, inviting obvious plot holes as to why you get relatively little assistance.

This leads to retarded shit like Loghain being an antagonist despite his own survival depending on the grey wardens, because they are only ones who can stop the darkspawn invasion. Or the fact that you have to try your hardest to convince various factions to help against the darkspawn threat despite, again, their own continued survival hinging on it.

>Sure, but don't put 4 different items in the dialogue menu if the NPC only has one fucking thing to say

backstabing Jowan is the only route that makes a modicum of sense, but even then Gregoir wants to kill you to punish Irving, you get to be a warden only because Jowan was enabled and its forced af.

the writing was so bad that Jowan and his bitch are blatantly plot devices more than characters, its so bad that makes the mage warden a worse character, and the mage tower quest setting is so simple that being a mage does not make a difference at all, the only detail worth knowing in all content involving the mage warden is why Irving let Jowan proceed with dumb plan since it tells you more about chantry and mage circle relations, which is not a secret considering how that relation went in the series.

>This leads to retarded shit like Loghain being an antagonist despite his own survival depending on the grey wardens,
How so? He isn't a poor man, he always can flee
>because they are only ones who can stop the darkspawn invasion.
Wardens are isolationists who doesn't tell about themselves to the rest of the world, so none knows why Wardens are needed to defeat the Blight