Harry Potter open world game

Who here is waiting for it? If they do it right it will be amazing imo. What are your hopes and expectations?

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Yas Forums is for video games, sir

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I'm so tired of Tom Holland

Then why are you talking about Shitty Potter? Nobody cares if they make a barbie like "dress your wizard", kys.

Harry Potter should have never existed and you're a faggot

>What are your expectations
That they will be subverted

i can't wait for jk rowling to post on twitter that every character made in this game was in fact gay all along

You seem upset


Harry Potter has to be the most generic popular franchise ever.

People have been talking about the HP games on Yas Forums likely longer than you've even been alive.

RPG elements and cute lesbians ( it ugly american ones)

>he doesn't play Hogwarts Mystery
What's your pathetic excuses?

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>What are your hopes and expectations?
A shitty formulaic game.

But deep down in my heart I'm actually hoping for a good rpg with tons of mechanics, and a story that is full of soul, and with tons of choices where I can be a based slytherin chad and not having the story pissing on my clan. Of course, that part of me that still clings to hope is fucking stupid.

Play is a strong word, user.

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I play games for more than an, admittedly good, waifu.

I hope it is just a fun school sim that lets you really focus on some of the more interesting parts of the universe. I expect it to be a shitty action game with a horrible story like those recent LotR games.

Hopefully a decent RPG using the universe well

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How the fuck are they going to make an RPG in a world that 95% made of plotholes?

This was my college design final project, I even used publically available assets. It isn't real.

If its filled by autistic fans that actually believe that they are real wizards in Hogwarts like in the Harry Potter Gmod community then this game is going to be shit already.

The main idea is great and I like the story and One, Merula characters a lot. BUT, It's still a poorly made cash grab mobile game borderline unplayable without pirating it. At least it serves the purpose of showing suits that a game about harry potter can sell on brand name alone, and they should invest on AAA games.

Hope Merula gets shoehorned in more games with absolutely no explanation, like the Cid of harry potter.

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It's MAGIC, you ain't gotta explain shit

>white people

There's not really much of a universe to use. It's literally just a collection of real world myths thrown into a basket, and only the more well known ones.

I like Harry Potter but god the fanbase is easily one of the most annoying shits

This footage is pretty old now, what happened? Was it just some very well made fan thing? Or did it get canned?

bring quentin back right now


It was going to be unveiled by Warner Bros games at their E3 reveals this year. Its still in development by Avalanche Software, which they own. Supposedly its set in the 1800's.

if it's not the micro trans action filled puss would i expect it to be, i will look forward to being a big dumb dumb idiot Akko

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Op here. It should be shown during IGN's stream in june