>8 years of hype
>Game finally releases
>Forgotten a month later
I see this happening more and more, what's wrong with gamers?
8 years of hype
its the same thing as warband but with graphics from 5 years ago instead of 15
Yas Forums only cares about ecelebs and flavor of the month sh it. If you want actual in depth game discussion, Yas Forums is not the place anymore.
The less Yas Forums talks about a game the better it is.
Rule of thumb.
It's still in early access, it hasn't actually released yet. Only the blind fanboy morons bought it in it's current state.
not having 10 threads per day =/= forgotten
its been 2 years since kenshi released after a decade of hype and i still play it regularly. its just that at a certain point there isnt much left to shitpost about on Yas Forums
Because it's an early access "game" that looks like it should have come out ten years ago yet still manages to run like absolute garbage.
Jesus Christ, what a shithole of a board.
>constant threads about game X
>frequent threads about game X
Kill yourself.
>Twitch isn't streaming it
because Twitch isn't the audience of this shit
>Only the blind fanboy morons bought it in it's current state.
How am I wrong to get a 20% discount by buying now and just waiting until it's finished and the mods start pouring out?
Twitch is fucking garbage, worse cancer than esports
its a niche game that was over hyped by retards what did you expect?
>best seller
>top 15 games on Steam
like i said it was over hyped by retards and a shit ton of people bought it thinking they'd get something like skyrim
PC gaming is niche overall, consoles are still where most sales come from
I'm pretty sure a lot of people are interested in the game but want to wait a year or so before trying it, waiting for the edges to get smoothed out and the mods to come, etc
Revisionism, PC is responsible for ~40% of all video game revenue and that includes mobileshit
Not in the US, consoles are still heavily dominant here, China doesn’t count for actual sales
I'll come around once total convertion mods are released
the initial hype is over and most people are waiting for it to be properly finished and mod tools to be released
you can bet when the modders get down to business the game will be talked about regularly like warband was
>Consoles earned $38.3 billion in 2018, or about $4.9 billion more than PC gaming thanks to a wider selection and installed base of hardware.
So 5 billion less than all consoles combined
Game isn't finished yet and we don't have any great total conversion mods.
Give it a few years until the game actually "releases" in its complete form (hopefully not as a separate full-price title as Warband was to the original M&B), the potential is certainly there.
finally someone said it
its not AAA so Yas Forums doesn't care
Because you have no guarantee if it will even be good when completed.
>early access
>non AAA studio
>63k people playing RIGHT NOW
Delete this shitty bait thread.
That sounds great actually
It already is good retard
>people want the game to come out
>comes out
>people start playing the game instead of making threads on how they want to it come out
Because the population on Yas Forums has shifted from people who actually play good video games to formless fuckwit casuals that prefer the last of us.
This used to be the place for talking about overlooked gems like Godhand, Demons Souls, Mount and Blade, etc — now it is just a place where newfags talk about AAA trash as if it’s worth even purchasing.
It can get worse. All it takes is one bad design choice to ruin it