E3 is less than a month away what the FUCK are you looking forward to bros?

E3 is less than a month away what the FUCK are you looking forward to bros?

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What the fuck are you talking about? It's cancelled

listen bud im still calling it e3 even if they're all doing individual digital events

Why did sonybro become black?

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Both the physical and digital E3 are cancelled but companies will still do presentations this summer. At least Sony and Microsoft because of the upcoming consoles

well i was excited to see what bethesda had to offer because i'm a dumb cunt who never learns
but i guess that's not happening now

i say the road to E3 be a trip to doc's hospital

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It's also more that a month and a half away

Xbox Digital event 1- May 5th
Sony Digital event 1- June 4th
Xbox Digital event 2- June ???

At the moment Sony does not have a second digital event, they're probably just doing one massive one whilst the xbox is doing 2 because they're showing the lower cost model in may. They want to dedicate the june event to software.


So Sony is probably hoping for Xbox to reveal their price in May so that they can undercut it by $50 or so huh.

Series S will probably get a price reveal in may but the Series X price will be at the second event.

ign summer of gaming is the one that matters my dudes

A good halo game again

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Based Xbro sticking up for Nintenkiddo.

He was always a Sonygga.

>the nintendo direct is good and the smash dlc doesn't cause that big of a shitstorm
>omori finally fucking comes out

rip aniki

If they go through with E3 and do it over video chat it'll be the greatest cringe comp in the history of E3

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He got adapted by Netflix


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Because Sony have nothing and are hoping to undercut the console that will steamroll them in this coming generation and convince people to buy their console with no games.
Xbox Series X/S:
>Halo Infinite
>Hellblade: Senua's Saga
>Project Mara


xbro punched the white outta him


so much detail, it's magnificent

Sony never needed games for people to buy playstation over xbox, which is why ps3 outsold 360. sad!

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You're saying that like you Microsoft isn't woke.


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The weak should fear the strong

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Please don't derail this thread into yet another sales spam.
Think about PS5 doing another Ape Escape or Killzone and Xbox doing Ninja Gaiden 4/KI/Mechassault.

I'm feeling it, Xbros.
The Miraclebox is back.

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I'll take a Xbox, multiple times a day please.

>dad of war
come on now noone cares about that. at this point the sonychad should just be dressed up like the hunter from bloodborne cause that's still the only good exclusive they have

Hopes: Anything MonolithSoft or Retro Studios, more BotW 2 news
Dreams: Metroid 5